Retaliation Affair: Really? You think?

You see it on the soaps all the time. One spouse discovers that the other has been unfaithful and to get even with them, they sleep with someone else. Those feelings of hurt, betrayal and anger are not assuaged by an affair, but the other partner does it anyway. The problem with an affair is that in addition to the pain and emotional devastation there are already one person too many in the marriage. When one part of the couple retaliates with an affair of their own, you bring in layers of complexity that can not only devastate the marriage, … Continue reading

My Husband’s Fascination with Cheaters

When I say “cheaters” I’m referring to the TV show Cheaters, which is all about just what its names implies: people being unfaithful to girlfriends/boyfriends, fiancés, and spouses. Suspicious lovers come to the producers with theories their significant other is being unfaithful, investigators are hired, and the suspected cheater is followed and their actions are documented on film. If the target is caught doing anything (which is almost guaranteed; I have yet to see a show where anyone was innocent), the evidence is then presented to the suspicious lover. Then it’s confrontation time, with cameras still rolling. Wayne loves this … Continue reading

When The Trust is Broken…

We have all heard of marriage partners that are unfaithful. We also know that some couples that experience an affair end in divorce and others stay together and work through their problems. Thankfully, I have never had to encounter terrible circumstances such as these. However, I do know people that have partners that have broken that sacred trust. So what do you do when the trust is no longer there? I feel that trust is essential in a relationship. It would be very difficult to live worrying about where your spouse is and if he/she is telling you the truth. … Continue reading

Being Left At The Altar

Have you ever been left at the altar? I haven’t. I can’t begin to imagine how that would feel to be standing at the altar, on what is supposed to be the best day of your life and either the bride doesn’t walk down the aisle (or worse flees ala The Runaway Bride) or as the bride waiting for the groom’s arrival and he never shows. Romance Fails Being left at the altar is not romantic, it’s a failure of romance. It’s a relationship flaw. There are numerous films (the aforementioned The Runaway Bride), television shows and novels that use … Continue reading

The Marriage Week in Review October 21-27

This was a great week here in the Marriage blog and as always; it’s a pleasure to share the challenge of bringing you marriage news and information with Sherry. Our guest blogger this week was Catherine Ipizcade and I suggest you check out her blogs on celebrating her marriage as well as bridal shower tips. For Sherry and I, the biggest challenge came at the end of the week as the New Jersey Supreme Court handed down their decision on Same-Sex unions. While Sherry and I often come down on opposite sides of this issue, we believe in healthy and … Continue reading