Do You Interrupt Your Spouse?

“It was 1982, and we had just moved to California,” Joe begins. “We bought a house …” “It was 1983,” Betty interrupts. “It was right after your knee surgery.” “Okay, it was 1983. Anyway, we were going out to dinner at this great steak house …” “Actually, we were eating Italian,” Betty interrupts again. “Remember, that spaghetti was way overcooked.” “So, we’re at dinner, and my friend Bob said—” “We weren’t at dinner with Bob. It was Rex and Sue.” Have you ever heard something like this – one spouse is trying to tell a story, and the other keeps … Continue reading

Empathy is Crucial

When it comes to marriage, empathy is a crucial ingredient. You need empathy to help you be a better listener. We’ve discussed listening in this blog before. Active listeners are people who not only listen to their partner, but they hear them. They try not to color the words of their partner with their own emotions or suppositions. This is also referred to as listening without judgment. Complain Without Judgment When you can complain to your spouse and not have them yell at you for your thoughts or try to adjust how you are thinking or even repair what it … Continue reading