The Ups and Downs of Marriage

If you have been married for any length of time, you quickly come to realize that marriage has ups and downs. Sometimes the ups are more than the downs, but it can also be the other way. Or it may be that the downs seem to last longer. The important thing is that you accept the fact that it won’t always be sunshine and roses. Sometimes people go into marriage with a certain expectation and as soon as things get difficult, they start to question if they should stay. Sometimes they don’t even take the time to question it, they … Continue reading

The Ebb and Flow of Marriage

Like the tides that ebb and flow, so do marriages…seasons and times where things go down but then come back up again. Sometimes these ups and downs are caused by real troubles in life. It could be a job change, sickness, financial difficulties, rebellious children and other family problems. When life is on an even keel then we might feel like our marriage is flowing along smoothly. But there are other times in our marriage when the ebb and flow isn’t caused by obvious life challenges. Sometimes we go through moments in our marriage when we allow feelings to dictate … Continue reading

Teens and The N Word

Miriam Caldwell wrote about Saying No especially when people are asking for favors. Her blog post was primarily discussing requests for service in the church and knowing when to draw the line so that we can care for ourselves. She suggests that it is healthy to say No so as not to become overwhelmed with all of the requests. As parents, the word No is something we don’t want to hear from our kids. It might be cute for a moment when they are 15 months old, but at 15 years, it’s not cute at all. Not only is it … Continue reading

My Husband’s Good Example

I don’t have a perfect marriage—in fact, I don’t know too many people who do. We have our ups and downs, that’s for sure. But there is one way in which I would say our marriage is perfect. My husband always forgives me. I’m a very emotional person. Life isn’t just something to be lived for me—it’s something I have to feel and experience. I tend to internalize much of what is going on and my nerves aren’t always the best. All of this is a very round-about way of saying, I have the tendency to throw the occasional fit. … Continue reading

The Ups and Downs of Celebrity

So much for a summer wedding… or a fall or winter one. George Clooney is hanging tight to his title of Hunkiest Bachelor Alive. According to reports, he and girlfriend Sarah Larson have split up after a year of dating. Larson is the stunning beauty the actor met in Sin City nearly four years ago while she was working as a cocktail waitress. The 29-year-old former Fear Factor winner caught Clooney’s eye and the pair began a romantic relationship in June 2007. Within weeks Larson and her 47-year-old beau made appearances together at the Venice and Deauville film festivals and … Continue reading

Fertility Drugs and Your Emotions

One of the biggest side effects of taking fertility drugs is the emotional aspect. Women taking fertility drugs often report mood swings as severe as those experienced during pregnancy. This takes a toll on the woman and her partner. It should come as no surprise that fertility drugs cause mood swings. Remember that all fertility drugs change the hormone levels in the body, specifically estrogen. This change in hormone levels is responsible for the ups and downs of your mood. Some women find the intensity of the mood swings surprising. They tend to come on suddenly and can be provoked … Continue reading

Heidi Throws Her Hat into the Britney Ring and CW Cleans House – Again!

It never ceases to amaze me how celebrities are coming out of the wood works to offer advice and help to Britney Spears. Who is the latest celebrity to offer her advice and help? It is none other than “Project Runway” host and model Heidi Klum. Heidi has said in an interview that Britney can come and live with her, hubby Seal, and their three children. The supermodel says her family would welcome Britney with open arms to help her put her life back together. Associated Press is saying Heidi said, “She can call me and come live in our … Continue reading

The Marriage Blog Week in Review for December 17-23

Merry Christmas Eve! ‘Tis the season to be even busier than usual, but maybe today you have some time to catch up on things. Such as reading the Marriage Blog. If you missed any of last week’s musings from Lyn and myself, check out this edition of the Week in Review to see what we wrote on: Monday, December 17 How Much are You Willing to Give? Lyn proposed situations of spouses giving and wondered which ones would be giving too much and would warrant a “No!” Why Nookie Should Be on Your Christmas Wish List A report I saw … Continue reading

Relationship Ups and Downs

Any type of relationship between two people can experience some hurt and hardships. People are human. They are sure to say things or do things that upset or annoy one another. There are many ups and downs upon the road of a relationship. Most couples go through periods of closeness and periods of distance. Some relationships are for the most part smooth and happy. Some relationships however, are bumpier than others. The good times of closeness are easy to endure. The happiness overwhelms you and you have very little cares in the world. You are lost in love and all … Continue reading

Making Deposits Instead of Withdrawals in Your Relationship

A few weeks back I caught part of an interview with Joel Osteen on CBS’s Early Show. He was promoting his newest book, Become a Better You. The part I tuned in during was when he was talking about making deposits instead of withdrawals. How we can’t just expect to take all the time; we have to spend time giving also. He compared relationships to bank accounts: you can’t get anything out of them if you don’t put anything in. It was a similar concept to something another favorite of mine, Dr. Wayne Dyer, advocates: “You can’t give away what … Continue reading