How a Road Trip Can Save You Money… and Your Relationship

Newsflash: A road trip with your spouse can help you save money on couples’ counseling… and potentially an expensive divorce. Despite what you saw when Oprah and Gayle did it, a new study finds that extended periods of time in a car with a friend or significant other can be good for your relationship. YourTango and Ford Motor Company just released the results of a poll that queried more than 1,000 people who had driven long distances with a spouse or significant other. According to the poll, 84 percent said that the road trip experience strengthened their relationship. The bulk … Continue reading

Family Relationships Are The Present Expression Of Family History

While family trees and genealogy research are important tools for learning about one’s family history, relationships with those family members that are still living are the means by which we develop our own understanding of what the word “family” means. Brothers, sisters, aunts, uncles, cousins, parents, grandparents, and others whom we refer to as “family” make up a group of people that we are taught from birth are special to us. As we grow and develop relationships with these people, we learn more about them and they do in fact become special to us. I have always enjoyed the relationships … Continue reading

Helping Your Child Through Divorce

We’ve all heard how damaging the effects of divorce can be on children, but are they really any worse off than children who come from the traditional two parent families? Not necessarily. Studies have found that it’s not so much the divorce that is affecting children, it is how the divorce is handled. If you are in constant turmoil with your ex, of course it is going to have an effect on your children. On the other hand, a married couple experiencing the same turmoil, is likely to pass on the same adverse effects to their children. Divorce is hard … Continue reading

How Premarital Counseling Might Help Marriages

What comes next? The other week one of the local radio station’s morning talk program held a discussion on marriage. A young engaged woman called in. She said that she signed herself and her fiance up for premarital counseling. She did so, she claimed, because her husband-to-be doesn’t know anything about what a modern marriage ought to be like. Her beloved was raised by his socially conservative grandmother. Now that they’re approaching their married life it came out that he believes she will do all of the work around the house and take care of the kids. We’ve looked at … Continue reading

When Your Relationship Is Not Part of Your Marriage Anymore

Have you ever just stepped back and wondered what happened to the relationship with your spouse? You may be married but the relationship has ended. You go to work, come home, hardly speak and go to bed to do it all over again the next day. How much longer can you go on living without a relationship? Many married couples will say that their relationship has lost passion. That they just don’t feel the same they did when they were first dating their spouse. Of course they don’t, that initial phase of finding out all those exciting and crazy things … Continue reading

Gramps Can Help You With Your Genealogy Research

Are you having problems with your genealogy research? Do you need some help organizing it? You can get some assistance from Gramps. No, I don’t mean that you should make your grandfather do your filing for you. Gramps is the name of a piece of genealogy software. Relatives that are a few generations ahead of you are excellent resources when it comes to family history. They can tell you stories about what their childhood was like. It could be very different from yours! This is a great way to learn what day to day life was like during interesting points … Continue reading

Adventure to Inspire – Homeschool Blog Review

Over the last month, I’ve had the chance to talk with ToriAnn Perkey, homeschooling mom who runs the blog Adventure to Inspire. As we’ve chatted, we’ve investigated her reasons for choosing homeschool for her family, and today I’d like to talk about the blog itself. I was first introduced to the blog by her husband, Josh. I’m usually a little leery when someone says, “Hey, my wife blogs. Check it out.” But I’ve known and respected Josh for a long time, so I headed on over. What I found was an awesome resource. There are articles sharing thoughts and ideas, … Continue reading

Edge Foundation Helps Students With ADHD

Most public schools, and many private schools, have programs in place that are designed to identify students who have ADHD. The same programs often include ways to help the student to focus on completing school work, and arriving at class on time. Colleges and Universities, on the other hand, do not usually offer the same kind of help for students who have ADHD. Fortunately, the Edge Foundation can provide that kind of assistance. Often, the first time a child is diagnosed with ADHD, that child is in the later years of elementary school. It is also becoming increasingly common for … Continue reading

Help for Living with an Unbeliever

Stephanie raised an interesting point in her article about being careful what you share with others. This is especially important in the case of an unbelieving spouse. A lot of damage can be done when the unlebelivign spouse finds out their situation is being talked about and prayed about by others. You may see it I as concern, but it can tend to make them feel they are being judged by you and those others and found wanting. Sop keep confidentiality and don’t divulge too much of your personal situation and relationship with your spouse. On the other hand, you … Continue reading

Help for Those Married to an Unbelieving Spouse- Part 2

Yesterday we looked at some ideas for what to do if married to an unbelieving spouse. Some others to consider implementing are: Be careful in what you share with your partner and how. Be careful in what you share with your partner and how. Yes, I think you should share your prayers and praise points with your spouse but, and it is a big but, don’t overwhelm them so they feel that is all you ever talk about. Sometimes Christians desirous of seeing someone they love come to faith have a tendency to jump in and want to turn every … Continue reading