Mending Broken Trust

Marriage takes a whole lot of trust. You go into it trusting that the person you’ve chosen will always be there for you, will be faithful to you, will be careful of your feelings, will help you attain the things you need to be happy. When something happens to break that trust, you may feel misled, alone, abandoned, shattered, deceived—there are countless words to describe the emotions you might have. I think the greatest of them all is “hurt.” A loss of trust is not only an emotional hurt, but it can cause a deep, physical pain as well. For … Continue reading

Building Trust from the Beginning

Trust is the cornerstone of solid relationships—regardless of whether they are friendships, close personal connections, or business relationships with clients and customers. Since even the most initial interactions do count in cultivating business relationships, it is important to build trust from the very beginning. I actually believe it is easier to build trust with business relationships than most people think. It starts with very basic things like returning phone calls, giving honest and factual information, and listening to what the other person is saying. Following through on promises or going that extra mile to find the information that a person … Continue reading

Spying, Trust, and Checking Up

As kids get older, one of the ongoing arguments or debates that parents and children tend to have is the “You don’t trust me—It has nothing to do with trust” argument. Back and forth it goes as children strive for independence and parents try to find that balance between trusting and letting go, AND being responsible and involved parents. It can be confusing for some of us to know where to draw the line and what is okay—where do we really stand on spying, checking up, and trust? There are so many things about parenting that can bring up our … Continue reading

When The Trust is Broken…

We have all heard of marriage partners that are unfaithful. We also know that some couples that experience an affair end in divorce and others stay together and work through their problems. Thankfully, I have never had to encounter terrible circumstances such as these. However, I do know people that have partners that have broken that sacred trust. So what do you do when the trust is no longer there? I feel that trust is essential in a relationship. It would be very difficult to live worrying about where your spouse is and if he/she is telling you the truth. … Continue reading

Re-building Lost Trust With a Child

When I was growing up, I can remember my parents saying things like, “You’ve lost our trust” or “How can we trust you now?” If I remember correctly, this was most likely during my teenage years when I did all sorts of naughty and irresponsible things–or when I slipped from my normally overly-responsible eldest child role. Now that I have teenagers of my own, I can see just what a slippery slope the whole trust issue really is. One of my daughters put the trust issue right on the table a few months ago when we were having a rocky … Continue reading

Rebuilding a Broken Trust

One of the hardest things to do in your marriage after lies, broken promises or infidelity invade your relationship is to rebuild your trust. When I was single, I used to wonder why you would want to rebuild trust if it had been so completely disrupted – but marriage is a complex relationship. You can love someone like crazy and get hurt because of something they did and struggle with all your might to repair and rebuild your relationship because loving someone means loving all of them – flaws included. No, it isn’t easy. Repairing your relationship may be one … Continue reading

Book Review: Rebuilding Attachments With Traumatized Children.

“Rebuilding Attachments with Traumatized Children: Healing from Losses, Violence, Abuse, and Neglect by: Dr. Richard Kagan This book was written for child and adolescent mental health professionals and trauma therapists. However, interested parents and caregivers may find the book helpful as well. Dr. Kagan has over 27 years of experience and clear compassion and love for children. This book highlights the requirement and possibilities of helping a child rebuild attachments and trust. The main focus of this book is to help children develop self-esteem and overcome difficult experiences in their lives. Readers are given an emotional opportunity to feel the … Continue reading

How to Find the Secret of Contentment

Do you struggle to find contentment in your life? We’ve all heard about the age old line about the grass being greener elsewhere. But sadly people often find out after they’ve tried it, after they’ve broken up a marriage or moved house or changed job or whatever it might be that is causing their discontent, that this is not the case. A simpler solution rather than chasing new experiences is to learn to be content in the situation we are in, which often appears easier said than done. So how can you find contentment? Is it even possible? The apostle … Continue reading

Under Promise, and Over-Deliver—For Parents

You have likely heard the phrase of advice “under promise and over-deliver” when it comes to work and business. The idea being that if you promise too much to a customer or client, and then are not able to fulfill your promise—you come off looking much worse than if you under promise in the first place, and then exceed expectations. I think this advice can be applied to parenting as well, and can be very sound advice indeed… I don’t know about your kids—but mine had memories like steel traps when it came to anything I said or did. Not … Continue reading

Please Don’t Tell Single Parent to “Stop Being Picky”

“Stop being so picky!” or “Why are you so picky?” are comments that people love to make to single parents. As if it is our extreme “pickiness” that got us into the situation we are in as a single parent or that if we just let our “standards” go we will find the perfect mate. However, it isn’t as if we are dating with a clean slate or don’t have other people to think about. If you are considering inviting someone else in to share your family, your children, your finances, and your life—and you have been through the stress … Continue reading