The Difference Between Friendship and Marriage

Sometimes I wonder what the difference is between friendship and marriage.  Not casual friendship, or even good friendship, but really-close, best-friends, rely-on-each-other-for-everything friendship.  If we look to the media for answers, it seems to imply that the only difference is physical desire.  In movies and television, the only or at least primary distinguishable change in the relationship between two characters that are best friends, and then become something more, is that their relationship adds a sexual element. Those are usually my favorite types of stories (as opposed to ones where the characters aren’t friends but jump right to dating), only … Continue reading

Randy Travis- Losing It

You know, a lot of country singers lived their lives like country songs. Hank Williams died in a car on the way to a gig in Virginia at the young age of 29. George Jones’ wife once took his car keys because he was drunk. However, she didn’t take the lawn mower keys and Jones drove it 8 miles to get his hooch. Some might say you write best about that which you know and if that’s true, country great Randy Travis must have a really big hit brewing up inside of him. Travis has been in the headlines a … Continue reading

Don’t Judge My Choices Until You Live My Life

Is there anyone who hasn’t heard about the horrific shooting in Colorado? Friday at work it was all anyone could talk about and as fellow blogger pointed out in her blog, Watch Where You Point That Finger, everyone had an opinion about people taking their children to the movies in the first place. Apparently those people have never been single parents. Or maybe they’ve never been any type of parent but I know, as a single parent, sometimes, midnight showings are your best friend. If your kids are young, you hope they will sleep through the movie. As a single … Continue reading

“Oz: The Great and Powerful” Preview

When I was young I read all of L. Frank Baum’s Oz books over and over. There are a lot more than one might expect, and I devoured them all. So I can understand why some people are so entranced with the series that they keep returning to it, though it’s interesting to me that most of the subsequent Oz books after the first one are so rarely plumbed for adaptation. Disney’s the latest to jump on the Oz bandwagon; the company is set to release a prequel to the famous story: “Oz: The Great and Powerful.” I’ve heard about … Continue reading

Music and Movement: Entertainment at the Animal Kingdom

My earliest Disney memory that doesn’t have to do with the movies is of the Disney World Christmas Day Parade. That’s what I knew about Disney parks before I processed the whole theme park thing: I thought of parades featuring Disney characters. Of course now that I know more about Disney World I realize that my early assumptions about what the park meant weren’t so far off base; there are daily parades with various characters all over Disney World, and they’re not limited to the Magic Kingdom. The Animal Kingdom has in fact two of its own parades: Mickey’s Jammin’ … Continue reading

I Was An Entrepreneur and I Did Not Even Know It

Today, I realized that I had been preparing myself for life as an entrepreneur long before I had even heard of the word. I was reading this blog post by my co – blogger Richele McFarlin about businesses that kids can start, and I realized that I had started babysitting for neighbors as soon as I was old enough to take a babysitting class. Sure, I had other jobs during high school and even during college, but I always had at least a few babysitting clients. When I started out as a babysitter, I was simply watching the neighbor’s children … Continue reading

Disney Website for New and Expecting Parents

Remember Our365? I don’t expect you do. Almost a year ago I posted about how Disney had teamed up with the organization that helps companies market to expectant parents. Our365 can actually get its partner companies’ representatives into maternity wards to try to sell their wares. For all I know either the company or its partnership is now defunct. But Disney hasn’t stopped sniffing around its coveted new market. On Monday January 17 the House of Mouse launched Disney Baby works just like other sites in the Disney Go family, although strangely its URL doesn’t contain the word “go” … Continue reading

Elderly Women and Retirement

Whenever I think about elderly women, of course my grandmother comes to mind. She and I were very close. I remember going up to stay with her from time to time, often for five days or a week, and enjoyed her simple, laid-back lifestyle. She canned, she gardened, she did crossword puzzles, she wrote in her journal—and she always had a cookie jar full of various home-baked treats for her grandchildren. It wasn’t until I was in my mid-teens that I realized something: Grandma didn’t have a lot of money. It wasn’t something that had ever been an issue, so … Continue reading

Where Movies Meet Real Life

Does your child have an odd passion? Of course, all passions are a little odd, since they generally revolve around something specific, something that you’re keenly, deeply interested in, and something that does not necessarily excite others. That’s what makes them wonderful. My daughter loves birds. She has loved birds since she was in preschool. She likes other animals too, and has spoken about being a vet one day, but she certainly has a soft spot for birds. She draws them, she makes food for them, she puts out nesting materials for them, and she’s created little places in our … Continue reading

The Movie “Five” on Lifetime part 3

Hello again, I am continuing talking about the movie “Five” on Lifetime. The next film was called Lili it followed a strong independent woman who wanted to face the cancer diagnosis on her own; or so she thought. She wanted to go to the surgery to have the lumpectomy without any family or friends to be there. When she was waiting in the waiting room prior to surgery and saw a man waiting. Now when they first focused on him you thought he was there waiting on a friend or family but when Lili asked he said that he too … Continue reading