Exercise Can Improve Your Ability to Parent

Everyone knows that getting regular exercise is important. Exercise helps you lose weight, tone muscle, and stay healthy. Did you know that exercise can actually improve your ability to parent your children? This revelation could give parents a whole new reason to start exercising. Stasia Bliss wrote an article at Liberty Voice about the many ways that exercise improves parenting. She notes that when you are exercising you are nourishing yourself. Personally, I see what she is suggesting as “me time”. When you are exercising, your entire focus is on yourself and what your body is doing. It is a … Continue reading

How a Road Trip Can Save You Money… and Your Relationship

Newsflash: A road trip with your spouse can help you save money on couples’ counseling… and potentially an expensive divorce. Despite what you saw when Oprah and Gayle did it, a new study finds that extended periods of time in a car with a friend or significant other can be good for your relationship. YourTango and Ford Motor Company just released the results of a poll that queried more than 1,000 people who had driven long distances with a spouse or significant other. According to the poll, 84 percent said that the road trip experience strengthened their relationship. The bulk … Continue reading

Does Your Spouse Get Your Time?

One of the things couples fail to realize is that many marriage problems stem from a lack of time. You see, it takes quality time to nurture a relationship. If you are spending more time at your job or with your kids, then your marriage is bound to suffer. Now don’t get me wrong, different seasons in life require more attention than others. For instance, when my children were young they naturally required more of my time and attention. But even then, it didn’t necessarily mean my husband only deserved the leftovers. Time can’t always be measured in quantity. It … Continue reading

Avoid Financial Surprises During Your Retirement

The subject of how much money a person needs for retirement is a tricky one. Each person’s needs are slightly different, which can make for difficulty in deciding what a good amount is. There are also some things that you may not think about which may come up later on and cause trouble. One of the most difficult things to think about or discuss is health care. No one likes to talk about it because as we grow older, many things can happen with our health. We may be affected by a major illness, for example, or arrive at a … Continue reading

Supporting Your Spouse

Long before I met my husband, I was a huge baseball fan…of the Milwaukee Brewers that is. I knew all the players and the positions they played. When I eventually met and married my husband, something changed. I suddenly lost interest in baseball and would sometimes find myself complaining about the fact that all he did was watch sports. Then a few years ago he decided to coach one of our church’s softball teams. That first season I was one of the fans but the following season I became the “stat girl.” When my husband first asked me to do … Continue reading

When Your Relationship Is Not Part of Your Marriage Anymore

Have you ever just stepped back and wondered what happened to the relationship with your spouse? You may be married but the relationship has ended. You go to work, come home, hardly speak and go to bed to do it all over again the next day. How much longer can you go on living without a relationship? Many married couples will say that their relationship has lost passion. That they just don’t feel the same they did when they were first dating their spouse. Of course they don’t, that initial phase of finding out all those exciting and crazy things … Continue reading

Quality Time with Your Spouse

A couple of weeks ago, I blogged about the importance of getting away with your spouse. We were about to celebrate our 20th wedding anniversary and despite original plans to take this romantic vacation to Maine, it had all blown up because of finances. But in the end I was grateful since it was during the time of the hurricane that we would have been there. The day before our 20th wedding anniversary we went back and forth with ideas on what we could do. We wanted to get away for the entire day but not spend a lot of … Continue reading

Do You Speak Your Husband’s Love Language?

We all have our own love language. In other words, what speaks love to one person might not be the same thing as another person. This is best explained in the book, “The 5 Love Languages” by Gary Chapman. If you don’t already know what your love language is, you can find out by visiting their website. But I would also strongly encourage you to find out what your spouse’s love language is. This could make a significant difference in the way you interact with one another. It could even lead to a stronger marriage. Think of it this way. … Continue reading

Can You Really Put Your Spouse Before Your Children?

Have you ever been told that your spouse should be put before your children? Do you think that is even possible? I used to believe that was impossible. I looked at my relationship with my children as being so much more connected because they had come from me. Yet I had forgotten that I wasn’t alone in the process of creating life. My husband is just as much connected to them. I also thought that because they were so little for so long, what they needed from me couldn’t possibly be less than what I would give to my husband. … Continue reading

Quality of Marriage

The quality of your marriage might well depend on whether and in what quantities these other Qs are present. If you or your spouse is any of those mentioned below you might for you marriage’s sake try and eliminate them from your marriage Querulous The dictionary definition is complaining or peevish. Do you know someone who is like this, who is always complaining? I do and, no, it’s not Mick or anyone in the family. No matter what anybody does it is never right, never good enough. There’s always something they have to whinge about. It is very wearing and … Continue reading