Do You and Your Spouse Compete?

We’re human, so it’s only natural that we have a little bit of a competitive streak in us, right? I have to admit, I do enjoy beating Matt at a game of Words with Friends or Phase 10. He would definitely beat me in any kind of physical race or competition, so it’s only fair that I hold my own with board games, right? See, I knew you’d understand. But what about the need some husbands and wives have to constantly one-up each other? I’ve seen this happen, and it’s not pretty. Husband: I have a headache. Wife: Me too! … Continue reading

Marriage in the Floodwaters

Every marriage encounters obstacles and hard times. The difference is some people are better at handling them than others. So you are stuck in the floodwaters, now what can you do? To continue the floodwaters analogy, you could just try treading water and wait till the waters subside. The trouble is you might just go under in the process. So what else can you do? The best solution is to try and find a way out of or around the problem. This is where being able to talk about to with your spouse and get to the root cause of … Continue reading

Do You Have a Divorce Threshold?

“If my husband ever cheated on me, that would be the end of it.” “He ever hits me, and he’s on the sidewalk with divorce papers in his hand.” I often hear women make comments like these, and I completely agree that infidelity and abuse have no place whatsoever in a marriage. If these elements have come into your relationship, they should be rooted out immediately. However, I then wonder, is there a boundary between what does and does not entitle a person to stay married? Is there a line that, once you’ve crossed it, you must get a divorce? … Continue reading

Putting Your Marriage on Hold

Are you guilty of putting your marriage on hold? Are the choices you are making hindering your marriage? In so many cases couples seem to think their marriage is something that can pick up and it will be there when they want it. Instead of taking time to make it the best marriage it can be, time is invested into work and career options, or into being a success in the work place instead. After all, your spouse will still be there at the end of the day. But will they? Sometimes it seems to me that if couples poured … Continue reading

Documenting Your Ancestor’s Home

If you have been researching your genealogy for any amount of time, you have likely acquired a nice collection of pedigree charts, old letters, birth & death certificates, marriage licenses, baptism records, draft cards, and any other document that provides important genealogical information. You may also possess old photos of your ancestors and their families. However, you may not have considered documenting the home of your ancestors, and I am here to tell you that you should. Homes of our ancestors often hold deep sentimental value and memories for the people who once lived there. It could be that there … Continue reading

3 Rs in Marriage

Yes, I’m back with the alphabetical marriage blogs. Today it’s Rs turn. And I’ve got three critical Rs. Aretha got it right when she sang about it and it should be a key ingredient in marriage – respect. Respect This is as an even more important ingredient in a marriage than the one which follows it, though that one is necessary too. Wives need to respect their husbands. But it’s not all one way. Husbands also need to respect their wives. In each case this means not putting them down, not treating them like they are inferior or second class … Continue reading

Handle Stress in Your Marriage

With high mortgages, job losses and the economic situation putting further stress on people, marriages are being affected. How do we cope with the stresses of life and the changes that occur? Some people have seen their future savings for a home or retirement on their investments in the stock market eaten into. Others are struggling day to day just to keep food on the table and the family clothed. I know what that one is like. We spent many years in that situation where experts told you to save but there simply wasn’t anything to save because we’d chosen … Continue reading

Don’t Stop Hugging Your Teenagers

I recently ran across a forum where parents were comparing notes on whether or not their teens would hug them. Most said the teens would hug them in private and would prefer not to in public. Some parents respected the kids need for space and others hugged them anyway. It seems that all of the teens survived being hugged by their parents whether they liked it or not. My next step was an article entitled “Is Hugging Bad for Teens?” The article looks at hugging from the viewpoint of school administrators. Recently schools have been putting the breaks on hugging … Continue reading

Watch Your Words

Okay so you and your spouse end up in an argument. It happens to all of us, from time to time. I’m always suspicious of people who claim to never argue. One of the things to beware of in an argument is that you actually answer the comment or criticism your spouse makes. It sounds easy enough. But it’s not always. Too often we read into words, things that were never untended and things the other person never even thought of. You know how a ventriloquist’s doll speaks words and often they’re cheeky but really it is the ventriloquist putting … Continue reading

A Baby Will Affect Your Marriage

A baby will affect your marriage. Married life changes after children arrive purely because of the amount of time a baby takes up and needs. However the new mother needs to be very careful at this time that her husband does not feel excluded and pushed to the periphery. Try and involve your husband as much as possible holding the baby, helping with feeding if bottle fed. If baby is breast fed then you will have to find other ways to involve your spouse. Let him read to them. Yes, I did say read. I‘m a great believer that children … Continue reading