Positives and Negatives of Stubbornness

Some qualities have a positive as well as a negative side to them. Stubbornness is one of those. The person who is stubbornly set in their ways and so rigid in their thinking that they never listen to anyone else, or consider the needs of others is hard to deal with and hard to live with. I’m inclined to think we all have a little stubbornness in our make up but it is hard to maintain a relationship with a severely stubborn person. However the areas where we need to be stubborn in our marriage is in our commitment to … Continue reading

How Much Is Too Much?

According to recent reports, Australian men are not good at sharing the housework and childcare duties. Yet compared to some other countries like Italy and France, they stack up okay. Although Aussie men do less than women, Dr. Lyn Craig, from the Social Research Centre of University of NSW, says part of the problem is the long hours worked by Australian men. The time is on average 10-11 hours a day. This is one of the reasons a man I know chose to give up his well paid job and re-train for work where he would see more of his … Continue reading

Be Careful

One of the things we need to be careful about is in-laws, not just when we are with them but in the comments we make about them. We all know the jokes about mother-in–laws. There’s often some basis for it, in that mothers in particular seem to have trouble letting go of family and sharing them with the new spouse. I know some of you in the forums have experienced these problems. You might find that your spouse’s mother for example is too demanding of their time. You might find them overbearing or protective or you fill in……whatever the particular … Continue reading