Marriage Hints: Flowers Have Meaning

Gentlemen, this is may seem like it’s just for you, but it’s also a little lesson for the ladies. I found it fascinating studying some of the meanings behind flowers, especially back in the days of planning my wedding. At the time, in all the wedding plans I was making, there was only one certainty I had – that certainty was that my bridal bouquet needed to contain a combination of the flowers my husband used to propose. The day he proposed, he sent me three white roses, six yellow roses and a dozen red roses. The white was for … Continue reading

Symbols of Love

The other day I wrote how a perfect red camellia was, for me, a symbol of love. One other time it was a vase of sweet peas. For many people flowers, in particular roses, are a symbol of love. For my father roses were anything but symbols of love. He hated roses. When Mum and Dad bought a house with beds of roses in it, every one of those roses were dug out by Mum since Dad had a bad heart and couldn’t do the digging. Their removal and absence was, in a way, a symbol of love. Of course … Continue reading

A Symbol of Love

This morning I was the guest speaker at a ladies breakfast for our church. Mick wisely, I thought, knowing how edgy I can get before a talk, kept pretty much out of my way as he knows I always get nervous before having to do any speaking. Writing comes easy, but public speaking not so much. He kissed me goodbye, assured me it would be fine and I knew he would be praying for me. As I spoke I was aware that he and other friends and family were praying. While I was talking, he was busy in other ways. … Continue reading

Speaking Your Wife’s Language

You may be asking yourself, “What does speaking your wife’s language have to do with being a good father?” I remain convinced (for those who are married) that you have to be a good husband first before you can be a good father. Dr. Gary Chapman has written a book entitled, The Five Love Languages. In his book Dr. Chapman lists the five “languages” as 1. Words of Affirmation 2. Quality Time 3. Receiving Gifts 4. Acts of Service 5. Physical Touch I had the privilege of hearing one of Dr. Chapman’s messages at our church back in the 1990’s … Continue reading

Miss Julia Hits the Road — Ann B. Ross

This is the fourth installment of the Miss Julia series by Ann B. Ross. As if it wasn’t enough that Sam hired a flirty nurse to take care of him while he recovered from a broken leg, now he has done the unthinkable. As soon as he was up and around again, he bought a Harley-Davidson Road King and parked it in front of Miss Julia’s house, and he wants her to go on a ride with him. Something is definitely wrong with Sam. He’s been sending her flowers and writing bad poetry, and he’s even taken to wearing cowboy … Continue reading