Promises or Commitment – Is There a Difference?

Is there a difference between a commitment and a promise? Yes, there is. It can be confusing I’ve known women who’ve been involved with men who made them promises but they were never actually committed. It’s a tricky place to be – where you hear lots of promises or you receive a lot of promises – but promises aren’t a commitment. For example, an engagement ring is a promise to get married – but it’s not a commitment. The commitment happens when you actually get married. That’s when you make the commitment. Yes, I know it’s semantics, but we live … Continue reading

The Marriage Blog Week in Review June 10 – June 15

This is been an interesting week here in the marriage blog, we started it off with a look at history from 40 years ago and we ended it with a vote that keeps same-sex marriage legal in the state of Massachusetts. It’s been busy enough that you may have missed something, if you did – here’s our Marriage Blog week in review so you can catch up on this week’s articles. Sunday, June 10 Love Letters: Do You Know Who Mildred Loving Is? takes a look at the love story that existed between Mildred and Richard Loving, an interracial couple … Continue reading

Overcoming a Fear of Commitment

Have you ever looked at a married couple and wished that you could be that lucky or maybe just that brave? It happens all the time. Believe it or not, more singles look at married couples and wonder how did those two people get there and how can they achieve that for themselves than wonder any other similar topic. More than even amassing wealth, a solid, committed relationship seems to be so far out there for some individuals that they don’t even know where to begin. If you were to ask that same couple how they got to where they … Continue reading

The Single Fantasy

National Singles Week runs from September 15-21. This year the National Singles Association is hosting events in Atlanta from September 17 thru 23. Unmarried America is also celebrating singles during the same time period, with what they call National Unmarried and Single Americans Week. “Why the fascination with Singles Week, Courtney? I thought you were happily married? And didn’t you just celebrate an anniversary?” Yes, I am happily married and, yes, we did just celebrate an anniversary, our 12th in fact. But sometimes I have this fantasy of what it would be like to be footloose and fancy free… The … Continue reading

Using Pet Names In Your Relationship

Sweetie! Darling! Love! Boo-boo! Snookums! Shudder, guffaw and pass the insulin. There is nothing so sweet and compulsive as the first time your mate calls you a pet name. No matter how odd the nickname or how endearing it is, when your mate is comfortable enough with you to crown you with a nickname, it makes you feel special. It’s amazing what a little phrase of affection can do. Now there are simply some people who pass around endearments with the ease of how they smile. They are quick, warm platitudes that they give as willingly to someone they just … Continue reading