Being Sensitive to Your Spouse’s Needs

My husband gets a little uptight on the freeway. He tenses up, changes lanes, and then says unkind things about the other drivers. Then he’ll calm down again, only to do it all over again a few minutes later. I can’t see what’s stressing him out, but something is. The driver can usually see more than the passenger anyway. This quirkiness of driving shouldn’t really annoy me, but it does. Sixteen years ago, I was in a car accident, and freeway driving makes me nervous in the first place. I’m glad it’s him driving, and not me—in fact, I have … Continue reading

Our Own Unique Languages

Every person has their own unique language. It comes from the way they were raised, books they’ve read, experiences they’ve had—everything influences the way they see the world around them, and they will have their own ways of expressing their thoughts, feelings, and desires. When you are in a relationship with someone, you’ll find the greatest happiness of success in your relationship if you learn to speak their language, and if they learn to speak yours. If something goes wrong with your current relationship and you find yourself in another down the road, you will need to learn that person’s … Continue reading

Speaking Your Child’s Language

Kids have always had their own “lingo” for as long as I can remember. Whether they say, “cool”, “awesome”, or “sweet”, kids have always wanted to use certain words with their friends to show their independence from their parents and their own uniqueness. I used to be a substitute teacher and always found it funny whenever I would use words that the kids were using like “awesome”, or “radical”, the kids would smile and think it was “cool” that their teacher was using their language. There is another language that kids understand very well, that parents would do well to … Continue reading

Love Notes

Have you told your children that you love them today? We do things everyday to show our kids that we love them, but sometimes making a warm meal and doing their laundry isn’t enough. Kids need constant reminders that we love and care about them. You have to nourish your relationship with them just as you would with anyone else. One of my favorite ways to do that is through love notes. How excited would your child be if when they got to school they found a little note from you in their pocket telling them to have a great … Continue reading

Create an App for MyHeritage – Win $10,000 !

Do you love genealogy? Are you skilled at creating apps? Then this might be the perfect contest for you to enter! wants you to make the best family-oriented app. The winner will receive $10,000. MyHeritage is a genealogy website that is growing in popularity. It describes itself as a “family based social network”. There are 58 million members on MyHeritage, and more than 792 million online profiles. Members can create their own family tree on this website, can upload photos, and can access the site in one of 38 different languages. One of the unique things about MyHeritage is … Continue reading

Finding Understanding

As wonderful as my marriage is, and as much as my husband and I love each other, sometimes he honestly doesn’t understand what I’m saying to him. I’ll ask him to do something, he’ll miss a crucial step or explanation, things go terribly awry, and then he says he didn’t hear that part or didn’t understand that part of the conversation. This last weekend, I actually had thoughts of beating him with my water bottle, I was so frustrated. But then I calmed down and we sat down to talk. I asked my husband to help me understand how I … Continue reading

Shopping Website Review: Mandy’s Moon

Mandy’s Moon was started by a mom who adopted a two-year-old and a ten-year-old from Vietnam. She began the site the year after her first daughter arrived, when she realized how hard it was to find objects picturing Asian children. She has expanded to carry merchandise featuring all races, and offers a special personalization service in which not only names, but nicely-drawn cartoon faces of different races, can be put together on products. The “My Family” service gives you ability to select images that resemble your family to be printed on your T-shirt, apron, mug, etc. The images can be … Continue reading

Aesop’s Fables

Although there are many picture books for your children to enjoy, I wanted to encourage you to consider Aesop’s Fables. Keep in mind that these fables date back to the 6th century but have been enjoyed by children around the world ever since. Now, Aesop’s Fables are available in many different books but two in particular are what I consider the best. For one thing, each of these picture books has incredible illustrations and the stories are excellent. In addition, the three I will mention are suitable for children of all ages so young or old will enjoy them. Best … Continue reading

Author Review — Dee Henderson

Dee Henderson is possibly the foremost Christian author currently on the market. With her incredibly suspenseful mysteries, her believable characters and touching religious moments, it’s not hard to see why her readers keep coming back for more. I have reviewed her most popular series, “The O’Malleys,” here on, and now I’d like to tell you more about the author herself. This proved to be a little bit difficult, as Dee is a very private person. She doesn’t share personal details with her fans, preferring to maintain a distance. Given her large fan base and popularity, I think that’s wise. … Continue reading