Dream Job or Dream Girl? – A Positive Example of Men on TV

On one of my blogs a while back, Tristi had made a comment about how she’d noticed a trend, especially in the media, towards belittling men. In another blog, I wondered if she might be on to something –and if maybe I’d been subliminally affected by it and that’s why I was prone to assuming most men were philanderers at heart. But perhaps this media influence (because, I’ll shamefully admit, I watch way too much TV) might also account for some other thoughts I have about men. One’s I expressed in my “Men: The Weaker Sex?” blog. Bothered That blog … Continue reading

Men: The Weaker Sex?

Before I begin, I just want to say that, even though the title might suggest otherwise, this article isn’t intended to be a slam against men. Rather, it’s just some reflections on things I’ve seen regarding boyfiends and husbands over the past 10 years during my stint as a stay-at-home wife. Not that I’ve had all sorts of relationships with other men. But I’ve had lots and lots of talks with my women friends. It was when I was living in Jacksonville that I noticed a pattern forming where our husbands were concerned. And ever since I noticed it, I … Continue reading

How to Keep Your Pet from Cheating on You

In keeping with the theme of the last couple of days, I couldn’t very well talk about unfaithful pets and cats adopting other people without examining ways to keep your pet from straying. Over in Marriage, infidelity is a hot topic. I’m of the camp that believes one of the factors that causes a husband to stray is because he’s not getting enough attention at home. I figured based on other people interviewed in the MSNBC.com article “Getting dogged: When your pet cheats on you” by Kim Campbell Thornton that it would stand to reason that’s why pets cheat too. … Continue reading

Today’s “Why I Got Married, Why I Stayed Single” Series

I caught an interesting segment on Today this morning. They’re examining why people get married or decide to stay single. This morning they started with why people get married. Why Get Married? I’ve often wondered this. I know why little girls get married. Part of it has to do with the Cinderella effect. Marriage is glamorized early on in a little girl’s life. But why do men marry? This has never made sense to me. Maybe it’s because of something Tristi pointed out in a comment on another blog: how the media belittles men. Tristi said she’s noticed it recently … Continue reading

Christie Brinkley’s Ex-Husband’s Infidelity Confession

The Barbara Walters interview with Peter Cook, Christie Brinkley’s ex-husband, has stirred up all sorts of controversy between the couple (she filed an order with the court to make sure he doesn’t let their children see it when they’re in his custody), but it’s also riled the public. The controversy is similar to the one that brewed during Oprah’s “Why Men Cheat” series. Cook’s Confession Cook claims Brinkley’s lack of attention drove him into the arms of his 17-year-old lover. I can understand why he strayed. I believe lack of attention is a factor in why men stray. But I … Continue reading

Musings on Singles, Labels, and a “Big” Wedding

As I noted in a comment response to Jade on my “Single Side of Things” article the other day, I finally had a chance to watch Sex and the City: The Movie. In “The ‘Biggest’ Wedding of the Season?”, I’d mused about what the movie would deliver. A lot of happily-ever-after endings for Carrie and her BFFs? Meaning a wedding to Big for Carrie, and Miranda, Charlotte, and Samantha having nothing but joy and contentment in their relationships. In the end that’s what the movie delivered, but not before some major heartache was endured. Life Imitating Art The weird thing … Continue reading

Are You The Same As You Were Before Marriage?

I only caught Part 2 of the Oprah “Why Men Cheat” controversy, but it’s sparking yet another blog. But instead of discussing why men cheat or how to affair-proof marriage, this time I’m going to talk about something else that was brought up as part of all this: behaving differently once married versus how you behaved prior to marriage. Behaviors During the show, Oprah defended M. Gary Neuman’s assessment that it made sense the husbands strayed because they weren’t getting something from their wives. Not that she was wagging her finger and saying, “Shame on you, you neglectful wives.” Quite … Continue reading

Is It Possible to Affair-Proof a Marriage?

On Oprah’s “Why Men Cheat Part 2” show, M. Gary Neuman offered three ways to affair-proof a marriage: 1. Appreciate your spouse more. In fact, make sure to appreciate your spouse as much as you possibly can. 2. Have sex. Make time for sex. Enjoy sex. (He suggested women are bad about receiving pleasure. Men are better at that. By nature they’re takers and we’re givers. We’re not comfortable receiving. Be it sexual pleasure or tokens of affection. Mr. Neuman said instead of saying “You shouldn’t have” when your husband gives you something, you should say, “Yes you should have … Continue reading