Lifestyle Prenup Agreements

If you want to financially protect yourself after getting married, you may decide that a prenuptial agreement is the way to go. I’m not here to say one way or another whether this is something you should or shouldn’t do. Each couple has to make this decision based on their unique circumstances. But I do have a bit of a problem with non-financial prenups. These are the ones based on surface issues, ones that really don’t have a place in a committed marriage. I recently heard a story about a man who wanted his future wife to sign a prenuptial … Continue reading

Child Support

It seems there is nothing that gets divorced parents as riled up as child support. Just mention it, men and women alike start foaming at the mouth. He’s a deadbeat, she’s asking for the moon and stars. Parents should support their children, regardless of whether they live in the same home with them or not. Now having said that I must clarify. No one should have to pay so much in alimony and child support that they can no longer support themselves. I remember when a neighbor found out her husband was cheating on her. They had been married for … Continue reading

Is It Really Cheating When…?

Often spouses ask other people, such as their best buddies what constitutes cheating. They may google the phrase, “What is cheating,” or look to experts to answer the question. They may even wonder to themselves if a thought or an action is considered cheating. Wait, check the Bible or the latest self help book. For example, if I kiss someone other than my husband on the lips is it cheating? What if the kiss is on the cheek, or if the lip kiss is to a best friend or aging relative? Is it cheating if I share secrets with someone … Continue reading

The Top Reason Why Men Cheat

What is the number one reason that men cheat on their wives? Do you think you know the answer. Well, you might actually be surprised by the real answer. When asked this question: why do men cheat, most people will answer that it is because of sexual dissatisfaction. But according to research, this isn’t the real answer at all. M. Gary Neuman, the author of the book, The Truth About Cheating and a marriage and family therapist, says that his research has shown that the number one reason that men cheat is because they feel that their wives don’t appreciate … Continue reading

Signs of Emotional Infidelity

If you or your spouse are showing the signs of emotional infidelity then you need to get help, fast! Emotional infidelity can be devastating to a marriage, and in many cases, it will lead to physical infidelity as well. Here are some signs that there may be emotional infidelity going on in your relationship. There is more interest in spending time with someone other than your spouse. If you look forward to spending time elsewhere, even if that time is only spent through email or on the phone, then this may be a sign of emotional infidelity. Spending an unusual … Continue reading

What Is a No Fault Divorce?

Question: “What is a no-fault divorce, and how is this different from a regular divorce?” You may have heard the term “no fault divorce” before. It seems that most couples who are facing divorce have this term as the “reason” for the divorce. Why? In order to begin divorce proceedings, one member of the marriage must file for divorce. Eventually, if the couple wants to go forward with the divorce, the case will go before a judge who will decide if the divorce will be granted. The spouse who files for divorce must state a reason for desiring a divorce. … Continue reading

When Your Spouse Wants a Divorce

What do you do when your spouse wants to get a divorce but you do not? In many no fault states, you may not be able to prevent it. Furthermore, trying to live in a marriage when the other person believes that he or she is single cannot be the happiest of situations, so what can you do? While it may be difficult when your spouse comes to you and says, “I want a divorce,” try to remain calm. Sometimes the statement is made in the heat of the moment of an argument with no real intention behind it. Obviously … Continue reading

Are You to Blame for Your Spouse’s Affair?

If your spouse has an affair with someone else, should you take some of the blame? One issue that I see coming up in the forums often enough to be a concern is the subject of having a spouse who cheats. In many of the posts, the spouse who is being cheated on wants t figure out what he or she did wrong in the relationship to cause the cheating. There are many things in a married relationship that can lead to cheating. Often women cheat because they are feeling neglected or unloved. Men tend to cheat to increase their … Continue reading

One Sign Your Husband May Be Cheating

Some wives seem to know right from the start that their husbands are cheating, while others say that they never suspected a thing. Here is one sign that generally means that you husband may be cheating. While some people are naturally more suspicious than others by nature, husbands who cheat generally start accusing their wives of cheating. If your husband suddenly starts accusing you of cheating, wants to know where you are every moment of the day, makes accusations about your loyalty and fidelity or is generally overcome with jealousy that is unwarranted, it may be because he is himself … Continue reading

Is It Possible to Affair-Proof a Marriage?

On Oprah’s “Why Men Cheat Part 2” show, M. Gary Neuman offered three ways to affair-proof a marriage: 1. Appreciate your spouse more. In fact, make sure to appreciate your spouse as much as you possibly can. 2. Have sex. Make time for sex. Enjoy sex. (He suggested women are bad about receiving pleasure. Men are better at that. By nature they’re takers and we’re givers. We’re not comfortable receiving. Be it sexual pleasure or tokens of affection. Mr. Neuman said instead of saying “You shouldn’t have” when your husband gives you something, you should say, “Yes you should have … Continue reading