Understanding in Marriage

This is one of those qualities marriages need in spades. And the reality is sometimes we don’t understand why our partner is behaving the way they do. That’s largely because women and women think and behave differently in situations and respond differently to them. Women, on the whole, remembering of course there are always exceptions to every rule or generalization, tends to worry more and be more emotional. This is especially true when the woman is pregnant. Emotions tend to come to the fore. At times the man might not understand why she is behaving as she us. Sometimes she … Continue reading

Short Term Contract Marriages?

Will we soon see short term contract marriages? Will we see couples contracting to marry for three years or five years, and then with an option to renew, instead of till death us do part? That’s the question Mick raised recently. And no, I don’t for a moment think he’s ready to trade me in or regretting ours is a life contract. It’s more a reflection of the way society is going. We live in a disposable society. Most major appliance manufacturers tell you they have a life of around 5-8 years – a situation I find laughable. Who can … Continue reading

Obsession Can Destroy Marriage

A new baby can make a huge difference to a marriage but it doesn’t have to. Much depends on the new mother and her attitudes and those of her husband. One of the things that struck me over Christmas was watching parents, who had their tiny babies at the huge carols services in the Domain in Sydney and the Myer Music Bowl in Melbourne. Those little babies were about among the crowd and the noise and color, yet so many of them were asleep in their parents’ arms. Contrast this with the new mother who is so obsessed she will … Continue reading

Depression- part 2

Yesterday we looked at dealing with depression and what you can do if your spouse is suffering from depression. Here are some more thoughts on the subject. Don’t be afraid to get professional help. Too often people can be embarrassed or made to feel they should be able to deal with things. This is especially true in Christian circles. There seems to be an idea that Christians should never suffer depression because they are Christian. That is not recognizing that depression is a medical condition, an illness that needs treating. So find a psychologist who can help you. If you … Continue reading

Would You Want to Know?

Married couples these days having their first baby are faced with choices that simply didn’t exist years ago. Once upon a time when a woman announced she was pregnant, everybody had an opinion as to whether the baby was a boy or a girl. Old wives tales abounded about how to tell the sex of the baby. They included dangling a coin over the pregnant woman’s tummy and seeing which way it moved. That was just one of the myriad old wives tales my extended family came up with. But then, they had an endless supply of old wives tales … Continue reading