Tips From The Successful

My guess is we all want to know the secrets of a happy lasting marriage. So I’m always on the lookout for stories about and advice from those who have managed this. Today’s stories come from two Aussie couples .Arthur and Nancy Seymour celebrated their sixtieth wedding anniversary recently, so you’d figure they’d learned a few things along the way nod they have. When asked about their secret to a lasting happy marriage, Arthur said ‘love and tolerance.’ His wife Nancy went on to add that Arthur’s mother had been one who claimed their marriage would never last. They sure … Continue reading

Marriage is Give and Take

Marriage requires give and take from both parties. Sometimes that may mean doing something you are not overly fond of because your spouse wants to do it. Other times it may mean reaching a compromise. This week My Sister’s Keeper started in Australia and I wanted to see it, because I loved the book. It is one I often use as an example of point of view and using different characters to tell a story. The other reason was because I was reviewing it for the media section of Even though he admitted he wasn’t that keen on seeing … Continue reading

Who’s’ Driving the Car and Your Marriage?

When you go out with your spouse on a trip do you share the driving or does one person drive all the time? Sometimes what happens in a car can reflect what is happening in a marriage. Mick and I share the driving when we go on a trip – if he starts, then I will drive later and finish or vice versa. The idea being if one starts to get tired then the other takes over. Similarly if one of us isn’t feeling well, the other person would do more than their share of the driving. I know other … Continue reading

The Culture of Marriage

So often when we look from the outside in at other couple’s marriage, we can see certain elements that are not always apparent to the couple involved in the marriage. What we are seeing is the way that marriage operates or its culture. In a lot of buinesses and sporting teams they talk about the culture of the business or of the club. In his book Transforming Company Culture, David Drennan descrivbes culture is ‘what is typical of an organisation, the habits, the prevailing attitudes, the grown-up pattern of accepted and expected behavior.’ Surely, this is equally true of a … Continue reading

What Would You Not Forgive – Part 2?

Yesterday I told you of the discussion four of us had about what we would not forgive or would struggle to forgive. The other thing both of us the women in the group mentioned was domestic violence. I’d find it hard to live with a man who took out his frustration and anger on me in violent ways. You’d always be walking on eggshells wondering what next would set him off. I say he, because although abuse of husband by wives does happen, it is less common. With domestic violence there is often a pattern where the violent act is … Continue reading

Not the Key to a Successful Marriage

Today I saw a scary article about a lecture entitled ‘The Keys to a Successful Marriage.’ It appears that an apparently self-appointed religious leader in Melbourne has told men under Islamic law ‘they can force their wives to have sex and hit them if they’re disobedient.’ He also told them there is no such thing as ‘rape’ between a husband and wife. Given that Australia is currently engaged in running a campaign trying to curb incidences of domestic violence, it is horrifying to see a religious leader coming out and advocating something like this. In ‘The Keys to a Successful … Continue reading

Is it Successful or Lucrative, or Both?

Evaluation is a key component to running a successful business, no matter how small it might be. It is also the one component that many of us overlook. After all, we are often so busy trying to keep the money rolling in and meet the needs of the day, who has time to sit around and contemplate what is and what is not working? That contemplation, however, that figuring out whether we are actually being successful and making money, is important. Success can mean different things to different people. In fact, I would even go so far as to share … Continue reading

When to Send Emotional Overdraft Notices

Back in November a family member, EmptyMarriage, posted a thread in the Marriage & Relationships Forum: Where do I go from here? For some reason I just happened to see it today. Even though I replied and gave some suggestions for how I would approach her problem, I can’t get her off my mind. The Situation EmptyMarriage has been married 20 years, has two daughters, and has weathered the other ups and downs in her marital life, but on this down she’s feeling like she doesn’t want to be in the relationship anymore. Her husband isn’t attentive, doesn’t participate, … Continue reading

Children Lead the Way to Marriage Strife

If you’re just married and you’re planning a wonderful life together, here are few tips about what to expect when you have your first child together. The birth of a child is a wondrous thing and it will have a profound effect on you and your spouse. But the stresses and changes that occur due to the birth of a child can often lead to the first major blow up in the marriage. Why? So why does the birth of a child (this fantastic, wondrous event) because so much stress on a couple? In large part, it’s because Mom now … Continue reading

The Marriage Blog Week in Review June 2 – June 8

Wow, we’re wrapping up our first full week of June and has summer gotten started off with a bang? It’s the most popular month for weddings and we’ve got a lot of marriage in the news, marriage tips, and marriage advice and much more on marriage. So let’s take a look at our week in review: Saturday, June 2 My Spouse Won’t Go to the Doctor and it’s frustrating for you to cope with their illness and your own concern. So what can you do? Check out this article for some ideas and tips. Sunday, June 3 Marriage in the … Continue reading