Why I Have A Doula

We’ve written a little bit before about doulas on the site, but we’ve never been able to share personal experiences with one until now.  Back when I first found out I was pregnant, I wanted a midwife but couldn’t find one.  I thought at least I might be able to find a doula, because that would be better than nothing.  I wanted someone, other than my at-times too logical husband, who would definitely be all on my side during labor. It took me a while, and I actually ended up finding a midwife first, but I was able to find … Continue reading

Are There Such Things as Wifely Duties?

Yesterday a volunteering friend used the phrase “wifely duties.”  She did so somewhat in jest, but the phrase stuck with me.  I certainly think that I have duties to Jonathan, but I shudder at calling them wifely duties.  I don’t think these duties have anything to do with me being his wife, or rather, have anything to do with the fact that I’m the woman in the relationship. I’d like the phrases “spousal duties” or “partnerly duties,” better (if the latter was a real word).  I have certain duties to Jonathan because I am married to him, but gender roles … Continue reading

Someone To Be Proud Of

Sometimes I tell my husband I’m proud of him. I do it when he’s accomplished something really cool, like finishing grad school or laying down hardwood floor in our house. Other times I tell him when I feel that warm ache in my chest when looking at him. He’s a great person, the best in my opinion, and I am so proud of him. It feels a little strange to say sometimes, because it’s not the sort of thing we’re used to saying to our spouses. We expect to hear it from our parents, or tell it to our kids: … Continue reading

Messages Sent to Women

When it comes to weight, women have been given many different messages over the years. In fact, there was a time when it was an insult to be called skinny. Think about Marilyn Monroe, the one time sex symbol of the 50’s and 60’s. That was a very different time period, in which curves were in. You see, there was a time when the soft shape of a woman was appealing. But today “thin is in.” In fact, the thinner the better. I am so glad that my husband prefers curves. Not only does it release me from the pressure … Continue reading

Legal Woes for Maryland Pit Bull Owners

A big headline here in Maryland lately has been an anti-pit-bull decision made by the state’s court of appeals. The case classified pit bulls and other “bully” dogs (meaning any dog with bull lineage) as “dangerous dogs.” This means that they are not included in the “one bite” exemption owners get before they are held liable for their dog’s action. That liability can also extend to anyone with control on the premises, including landlords, veterinarians, kennels/daycares, groomers, etc. The decision prompted widespread protest. Pit owners are worried that they’ll either be evicted, lose their homeowner’s insurance, or be forced to … Continue reading

It’s Your Turn

What is last on your to do list? Chances are, like most single mothers, it’s anything you want to do for yourself. As mothers we always put our wants and needs last, when you are married your husband will often come to your rescue and give you the time you need for you, at least occasionally. When you are a single mother mommy maintenance is always at the bottom of the list. I’m not talking about the big things like doctor visits and the like, as mothers we are usually pretty good at taking care of the health of the … Continue reading

Should You Plan For A Divorce

When your child was born did you ever imagine you would be a single parent? In a country with a divorce rate like ours it almost seems silly that we didn’t plan for this possibility. We plan for everything else, even who would take care of our children in the event of our death but not how we would take care of them if our marriage fell apart. It seems like the opposite of wishful thinking to plan for being a single parent, no one wants to think that their marriage won’t make it. All of us at one time, … Continue reading

Why Don’t They Get It?

My sister in law is trying to plan an outing to celebrate their Dad’s birthday and his completion of chemotherapy. Finishing chemotherapy is definitely something that should be celebrated but there are something’s that no one is considering. The first being that he will only be complete in his chemo for 2 weeks; having gone through chemo I know he is still going to be low on energy, appetite and may still be nauseas. When we tried to nicely explain this to my sister in law her reply was “Yeah I know”. Well considering between me and her there is … Continue reading

Total Honesty about Money Mistakes

Sometimes I do something really stupid. Okay, it’s more than just sometimes … it happens quite a lot. And occasionally, it has to do with money. Take today, for instance. I didn’t see until it was too late that I wasn’t supposed to put large envelopes in the drop at the post office. The sign said it would probably get returned to me. So I spent money mailing packages … to myself … and felt like a total dimwit. Part of me wanted to keep that to myself. It’s hard to admit when you’ve done something dorky. But my husband … Continue reading

What Would you Have Done?

As a Caucasian person I had never really had to face racism directly. So when we chose to adopt a child or children of color, racism never really entered my thoughts. I never would have expected to encounter it. Maybe it was me just being naive but I never thought that we would have to deal with it. Unfortunately we have been confronted with racism, hatred and bigots. I am not sure why a person can have such strong views about something that has nothing to do with them. I must say, I do know one of my sons is … Continue reading