Movie Review: Gentleman’s Agreement

I love finding correlations to life in all my experiences, be it in overhearing a conversation or watching a movie. Everything can be taken as a lesson, and if we’re willing to look beneath the layers, we learn so much. This was further brought home to me the other night as I sat watching the classic movie “Gentleman’s Agreement” with Gregory Peck and Dorothy McGuire. The premise of the movie in and of itself was thought-provoking: Peck, starring as Skyler Green, is a journalist tasked to write a series on anti-Semitism. He struggles for a time to get the angle … Continue reading

Buying Your Spouse’s Chairs

Years ago, I watched the movie “Phenomenon,” starring John Travolta and Keira Sedgwick. It’s about a man who is blessed with incredible abilities to remember and to figure out complex problems. That’s not important to the part of the movie I want to share with you today. Keira’s character makes wooden rockers out of branches and twigs, and they aren’t at all comfortable. She tries to tell them at the local general store, but just can’t get them to move. When John’s character starts to fall in love with her, he goes into the store about once a week and … Continue reading