Saving on Electricity

With the price of electricity tipped to rise considerably in Australia, and probably the same in other countries, we need to find ways of saving money.So here are a few tips for saving on electricity. Switch off lights when you leave a room. It sounds simple but it’s amazing how many people don’t. Also make sure to switch off appliances when they are not in use. Don’t leave these switched on. Overhead fans are much cheaper to run than an air conditioner and quite effective. Use of blinds, curtains and awnings is another way of keeping heating and cooling costs … Continue reading

Don’t Let Others Define You

There are other benefits of living on one income. You soon learn how to have fun inexpensively, whether it’s by creating a date night at home, inviting friends over for a dinner and a game of cards or a board game. You’ll find some suggestions here. These are some of the benefits but there can be a few negatives of living on one income. One that I know some stay at home wives and mothers have found hard to deal with is the attitude of others. Sadly people tend to define others by what they do. A common question when … Continue reading

More Ways to Save and Benefits of Living on One Income

Yesterday we looked at some ways to save money while living on one income. Here are some more benefits of living on one income and ways to save money. Buy generic products. This might include pharmaceuticals which are often cheaper than the brand names as well as grocery items. Just a word of caution on this: If you or your spouse is watching your weight, sometimes the generic product has a higher calorie or sugar content, so check labels carefully. It’s really a bit of trial and error. We buy a lot of generic products but on some, I definitely … Continue reading

Ways to Save Money Living On One Income

Time to work on you marriage and spend with children, are not the only benefits of living on a single income. Living on one income can help you become more careful with money. How? Read on. When it came to groceries Mick and I figured out early on that the fewer times we went near the supermarket the better off we were. Grocery shopping was once a month. It means making a list and ensuring you are not going to run out of necessary items. If you do, then go without till the next shop, unless it is absolutely essential. … Continue reading

Planning for a Frugal Retirement

I used to think about retirement as a time when you get to live luxuriously and spend all of the money that you spend so many years saving. As my dad got closer to retirement I got scared because I knew that he had not saved alot of money. I knew that he had spent all of his money on us, his kids. I wanted him to come live with my so that I could give him a comfortable retirement. He wanted not part of this. Instead he chose to live frugally and he is very comfortable and happy in … Continue reading

Recession Proof Your Marriage: Dinner

The other day I proposed that marriages could actually benefit from recession. To start us off on the right-thinking foot, I proposed giving thanks for what we have right now. (Mainly, each other and any time we spend together, because that’s precious in and of itself.) Sometimes it just takes looking at all the good we enjoy to realize everything else isn’t as bad as it seems. However, I also hinted that I’d explore other ways a recession could benefit marriage. After giving the matter some thought, I’ve come up with some date night ideas. Ones that use the recession … Continue reading

Why Live Frugally?

A question that often comes up is why should anyone live so frugally? This is usually followed up by, “Don’t you have a life?” Once and a while someone might say, “I could never live like that. I’d rather work than wash out baggies.” Those questions are important, even the abrasive one about baggies. They prove that many people don’t really understand a frugal lifestyle. I live frugally, and yes, I do have a life; a very good one. I do work for an income, although it is only part time. I seldom wash out baggies because, well I don’t … Continue reading