Where to Find a Support Group in New Jersey

Everyone could use a little extra help sometimes. Parents of kids who have special needs can benefit from attending a support group. Finding help can be difficult. Here is a list of support groups that are located in New Jersey. Wayne Special Parents Association is located in Wayne, New Jersey. It is for parents of children who have special educational needs. Their website has information about upcoming events. Mom2Mom has a list of when, and where, support groups will take place. Most are in Newark, New Jersey. Their website says “You’re caring for your special needs child…Who is caring for … Continue reading

Mother’s Blog About Mentally Ill Son Goes Viral

A mother has written a blog that has been passed around the internet via Facebook and in links in several other blogs and news articles. In it, she discusses her fear that her son will someday do something similar to what Adam Lanza did in Connecticut. It is an eye-opening piece of writing. Yesterday, I wrote a blog that clarified that not all people who have Asperger’s Syndrome are violent. Some can, and do, express loud, verbal, outbursts or may push someone away from them. Typically, the violence that people with Asperger’s Syndrome express is not premeditated or planned out. … Continue reading

Introducing Your Children To Someone New

If you read enough single parent blogs and articles you will see one subject popping up over and over- dating. That’s because we all just keep trying. Simply because our marriage didn’t work out doesn’t mean we are resigned to a life alone. Everyone needs companionship and love, none of us are immune, and so we keep trying. What this means to your children depends more on the individual child than their age or any other factor. Some children accept the fact that you are dating and don’t seem to give it a second thought. Other’s act like this person … Continue reading

Meeting Others

‘Meeting someone for the first time is like going on a treasure hunt. What wonderful worlds we can find in others!’ Edward E. Ford. Is that your attitude when you meet someone? When you go to a new church or a party or a community group? Are you looking to connect with others and looking to find the positives and the good in them? Or do you go with a negative attitude, expecting people not to be friendly? Our attitude can so much affect the way we react to situations and to people and the way we treat them. If … Continue reading

Requesting a New Teacher

What happens when your child and his teacher are polar opposites? Do you spend the year watching your child suffer or do you request that he be moved to a new class? Personally, I don’t find either option very inviting. However, it’s a problem faced by thousands of parents each year… including my best friend. My extremely non-confrontational best friend. Her son recently started all-day kindergarten and he dreads going because his teacher is a yeller. The kid has been raised by one of the sweetest, gentlest, kindest souls on the planet. I’m not sure his mother’s voice reaches a … Continue reading

New Year’s Goals for the Family

The New Year is a great time to sit down and make goals as a family. You can do this as a family home evening lesson or in a family council meeting. It is an easy time to trade job assignments and to check in with your children. You may choose to allow their goals to be private as well. One excellent family goal is to spend more time together. You can make a goal that the family spend one Saturday a month together in some sort of activity. It is important to spend fun time with your children apart … Continue reading

Sacrament Meeting Sign Language

My husband and I have a good relationship, but we’re not one of those couples who can read each other’s minds. I’ve heard of couples who can just glance at each other and know what the other wants them to do, and that would be nice, wouldn’t it? But in my marriage, it’s just not a reality. Right now, we’re working on one aspect of our communication, which is sacrament meeting sign language. We’re like most families—he sits on one end of the row to keep children from escaping out that end, I sit on the other end for the … Continue reading

An Interview with Writer and Artist (and New Mom) M.C.A. Hogarth

M.C.A. Hogarth is a renaissance woman: artist, writer, businesswoman, and more. I knew of her first for her art, which led me to her stories, which led me to an all around amazing person. I’m happy to be able to share her with you! Aimee: What kind of things do you write about? (Genre, subject matter, themes, what have you.) MCA: I like to write about encountering things that are strange and wondrous and out of your particular context. That could be meeting a unicorn in a forest… or meeting someone from a radically different country. I love learning languages, … Continue reading

It is Okay to Introduce New People Slowly

I should probably admit up front that I learned this lesson the hard way—as single parents, it is perfectly alright if we want and need to take our time before introducing new friends and/or dates to our children. Often, we might feel pressure from either side—our kids want to “check out” this person we might be seeing or getting to know and our new friend wants to “check out” what our children are like. As the parent, though, we do get to choose and while I’ve heard different opinions on this—for me, slow is better. I want to be clear … Continue reading

Meeting Someone New

Starting a conversation or trying to get know a person you are attracted to can be difficult. Just being around the person can make you nervous and anxious. You begin to have thoughts of rejection. What if he or she does not feel the same way about you? Some marriage results from lifelong friendships. However, some marriages result form people that just met. Do not be afraid to meet new people. If you are single and looking for a relationship, you want others to find you approachable. Initiating a potential relationship with another person can be easier than it seems. … Continue reading