Your Marriage Doesn’t Have to be Boring

Throughout a marriage, the partners go through all different types of stages. There are times of passion and intense love when things could not be better. There are also times of frustration and dissatisfaction when things seem to be falling apart. I once heard a woman complain that her husband was boring. She complained that he only wanted to sit around on the couch and watch television in his free time. When she asked him about going out on the weekends he always had rather stay at home. He spent his days working or doing yard work. This happens in … Continue reading

Marriage Types: Same Sex

As previously discussed, all marriages are not the same. There are many different levels of commitment, love, and bondage when it comes to a couple’s marriage. My final marriage type will be discussed in this article. So far, we have examined covenant, polygamous, later life, young, long distance, and choosing childless marriages. While all of the marriages listed above were different to some degree, they all also had one factor in common. All of the marriages above consisted of a union between a man and a woman. Today’s marriage type is different in that its union takes place between two … Continue reading

Marriage Week in Review: May 19 – May 25

Wow what a week in marriage here at Courtney, Heather and I brought some very interesting and unique articles to you. If you missed some throughout the week, you can always check below for a recap. Tuesday, May 20 Marriage Rating Scale – How Do You Score? In this article, Heather brought us a rating that was used to rate wives. This scale is very interesting and humorous! Marriage Types: Covenant This was the first article in a series of marriage types that I began. A covenant marriage is one in which the couple shares a deeper commitment. Wednesday, … Continue reading

Marriage Types: Young

Like people, relationships and marriages are different. They vary in many aspects and areas. Some couples are more committed with covenant marriages while others are more open with polygamous marriages. Other people are in their second marriage. While some people marry later in life, some marry very early in life. I know some couples who married before they even graduated from high school. Like those couples who marry late in life, there are several reasons why a couple may choose to marry early or young. Some couples marry young due to the fact that they are expecting a baby. The … Continue reading

The Marriage Week in Review – September 16-22

Welcome to the Week in Review for the Marriage blog. We’ve covered a lot of ground in the marriage blog this week. So let’s talk about our week in review. So let’s talk about the week in review: Saturday, September 16 The 5 Most Incompatible Relationship Types discussed how we categorize relationships that are incompatible and why we think they are. We also talked about how to Define Compatible in a Relationship and what three components make up a compatible relationship. Sherry asked the question of If You Could Do it Over, What Would You Do? She challenged you to … Continue reading

Why Doesn’t Marriage Solve Problems?

This is a particularly odd entry for the marriage blog that I have in mind today and I ask that you bear with me as I explore a difficult topic. Why do women stay with men they want to behave differently? Why do women marry men who really don’t have a lot going for them and who really don’t treat them well? It really doesn’t make much sense and when you watch someone you care about doing that to him or herself; you may find yourself stuck between a rock and a hard place. Do you know someone like this? … Continue reading

Obama Cut Funding for Abstinence-Only Sex Ed

President Obama has eliminated all government funding for abstinence-only sex education programs in public schools. Research shows that abstinence-only-until-marriage programs are ineffective and that they negatively impact young people’s health. Abstinence-only sex ed programs, and abstinence-until-marriage programs, are an extremely limited version of sexual education. These types of programs emphasize that young people should not have sexual intercourse until after they are married. Abstinence based sexual education programs rarely include information about anatomy, puberty, sexual health, and sexual orientation. These programs are favored by some Christian religious groups and by Republican lawmakers. Research shows that abstinence-only sexual education programs are … Continue reading

Reasons Parents Should talk to Their Teens About Pregnancy

It might be uncomfortable, but it is important that parents talk with their teens about pregnancy. Having that discussion, in a non-judgmental way, can inspire a teen to really open up and ask the questions that are on their mind. It can also help build trust between you and your teen. That’s important if you want them to come to you for answers about pregnancy in the future. Make sure you speak with your daughters and your sons. The teen pregnancy rate in the United States is high. The United States has the highest teen pregnancy rate among countries that … Continue reading

Men and Women Are from Earth

A study came out recently in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology: “Men and Women Are from Earth: Examining the Latent Structure of Gender.” The central hypothesis of the paper is that men and women actually aren’t all that different.  Many of the differences that we might demonstrate have more to do societal expectations than inherent biology. This isn’t the first study on the subject.  I recently read the book “Delusions of Gender: How Our Minds, Society, and Neurosexism Create Difference,” by neuroscience psychologist Cordelia Fine.  In it she exposes noticeable trends in male vs. female psychology, both in … Continue reading