10 Tips to Break a Marriage out of the Rut – Part 2

Today I’m continuing the remainder of the 10 tips to break a marriage out of the rut. 5. Go on a Romantic Weekend Away. If money is tight and you can’t afford a weekend away, ask grandparents or another family member or friends to take the kids for the weekend and spend a romantic weekend at home, simply paying attention to each other and each other’s needs. Try doing simple things like a massage, a walk on the beach, watching a romantic movie, making love or whatever else appeals. 6. Record a CD of Love Poems Record a CD of … Continue reading

Tips for Stress Free Entertaining for You and Your Spouse- Part 2

Here are more tips for stress free entertaining for you and your spouse. 4. Know Your Spouse Growing up I don’t remember my parents entertaining a lot and Mick said the same about this parents. We got to wondering if it was because our fathers where both quiet men who didn’t like a lot of people? They just liked to come home and relax after a hard day at work and not have to make conversation, and the same applied on weekends. 5. Do they Get Along? Consider too, are the people you want to invite mutual friends? Do the … Continue reading

Are We Too Dependent On Marriage?

This is a bit of a weird question, but I was reading a variety of different articles in other areas over the last couple of days and one of the themes they seem to be arguing is that we as a society are too dependent on marriage for our individual happiness. Whether we are married or not, a barometer of social satisfaction and happiness seems to be based on marriage. For Example, The Decline in Marriage Percentages Reports that show married couples comprising only 50% of households seemed to be disheartening to some. What’s wrong with marriage? We’re all looking … Continue reading

All Marriages are Cross-Cultural

When we think of a cross-cultural relationship or marriage, we usually think of two people who come from different countries or different races. Yet, within every household, every family, there is a way of doing things that will be different from the family next door, the family across the street, the family across town or across the country. Every marriage has its cultural differences. The Family’s Power Structure They say that sometimes, we all have different expectations. Sometimes our expectations are unreasonable and sometimes they are just lofty. But the truth is, our expectations are based on our own perceptions … Continue reading

Dating Tips

The first rule of thumb when asking for dating tips is there are definite pros and cons to many of the choices that can be made on a first date. It is usually safer on a first date to meet at a neutral location rather than picking someone up. While it may lack a bit of romance, meeting in a neutral location offers conversational topics, something to do and a place to retreat to when and if either one wants to end the date. The idea is not that it will be needed, but that it is available if it … Continue reading

Marriage Tips: Two’s Company

It’s important to remember that in your marriage there is you and your spouse. While you are both interconnected with a variety of other people from extended family to coworkers to friends – it’s important to remember that when it comes to your marriage – it’s you and your spouse. You are a team. You rise and fall together. I remember being told for years that my husband and I had the perfect relationship, of course, I knew better. But on the outside, we presented that unified front. We were a team and that’s what most everyone saw. On the … Continue reading

Why Make Decisions Together?

Over the last couple of blogs we’ve looked at predetermining choices for spouses and family. I’m adamant making decisions together is a far better way to go in marriage. Why? Let me give you some reasons. It’s better for your marriage. Each person feels more involved in the choices made. It strengthens your marriage and you learn to take responsibility and learn from your mistakes together. Another reason is the responsibility doesn’t rest on one person. This can be come very stressful for the person responsible for always making the decisions. Of course it also means that if the decision … Continue reading

Keeping Your Weight Under Control During Menopause

Hot flashes, mood swings, night sweats and middle age spread. You cannot fight city hall they say, but ah, wait a minute. Yes, you can. If you are totally aware and conscious of all of these things that are taking place in your body you can fight back against it. It is not easy by any means, but by making a concentrated effort you will succeed in your quest. Menopause is that time in a woman’s life when her menstrual cycle ceases and with it so does her childbearing capabilities. Some are relieved by this, especially those that have had … Continue reading

Busy Time Management

I’m addicted to technology and time-management news! (Phew!) There, I’ve said it. I love the tips, tricks, tools, and discussions offered on a variety of websites. This past month I’ve been fairly free to spend a good deal of time clicking around on these pages for fun in between my spurts of writing for a playwriting course and reading for an Art class I’ll be starting next week. But it’s finally caught up with me. Today I’ll have to actually start attending class physically. Some classes don’t require this (creative writing) and so I’ve been able to churn out material … Continue reading

Organizing Your Freezer for Freezer Cooking

While having an organized freezer is important for day to day living, it is even more important when you practice freezer cooking. Mystery meals wrapped in freezer bags, freezer paper or aluminum foil can repeatedly be rejected until they are little more than packages of ice. Here are some tips on how you can keep your freezer organized and your meals flowing forth from it. Organize for variety While humans love to categorize things in the simplest form, putting all of the same meal together can actually work to your disadvantage. it is much better to mix up the meals, … Continue reading