That Extra Ingredient

The ingredient I left off my recipe for a happy marriage was being attuned to each other’s moods. This never became more obvious than on Tuesday. I was feeling rather flat-I suspect because I’d been confined to the house so much lately. ‘I feel rather flat,’ Mick announced. ‘Me Too,’I agreed. Mick then proposed we take ourselves out for a day date, ‘if you can spare the time from work.’ I’d been thinking exactly the same. As so often we were in tune with each other’s feelings and thought processes, which I comes from having been married so many years … Continue reading

Marriage Tips: Lions, Bills and Timing Oh My!

When it comes to being married, you can get overwhelmed with a lion’s share of obligations, bills and bad timing. It can be hard to imagine in the first years of your marriage that there may come a time when children, work, family and financial obligations are pulling you in opposite directions. The thing about it, is that it’s insidious. It starts a little bit at the time, you don’t go from doing everything together to doing everything apart overnight. It just starts to happen. Take a Moment It’s important to stop every so often and take stock of what … Continue reading