Still More Tips To Strengthen Your Marriage

Today I’m continuing the tips to strengthen your marriage. These three are closely linked. Don’t Assume You’re Always Right Recently a friend said ‘when we argue, he (meaning her husband) thinks he’s right. I know I am.’ While everyone at the time laughed as she intended us to do, there can be an undercurrent of truth in that statement in that we automatically assume we are always right. Nobody is right all the time. Sometimes we make mistakes whether we mean to or not, sometimes we misinterpret our spouse’s actions or comments. Sometimes we’re in the wrong frame of mind … Continue reading

Essentials for a Happy Lasting Marriage -Part 2

Yesterday I looked at five essentials for a happy lasting marriage. Today I am continuing with another five essentials. 6. Forgiveness Married life isn’t always go to go along smoothly. We all do things wrong and things that hurt or upset our spouse. It’s how we choose to deal with those things that is important. We can hold grudges and sulk but it never achieves anything, or we can choose to forgive them and move on. Forgiveness doesn’t just happen. It is a choice, a decision of willingness to forgive. The old adage about not going to bed angry is … Continue reading

Secret Marriages

I once knew a couple who got married then had a wedding. I found this to be very odd and I felt that they must be doing something that others do not do. However recently I came across an article that discussed secret marriages. In the article, there was also a forum section where couples could ask questions. One question asked what the officiate should do at the wedding is the couple was already married. It also stated that no one knew the couple had previously already married. The question reminded of the couple that I knew. In this case … Continue reading

Benefits of a Healthy Marriage

My last couple of articles have focused on encouraging healthy marriages. In the first article I listed two findings that Congress had discovered about the benefits of healthy marriages. However there are several more. How a healthy marriage benefits the children. Children who come from a healthy married couple are more likely to attend college. These children score higher academically. Children from healthy married couples are both more physically and emotionally stable. These children have a lower rate of suicide or attempted suicide. Children from healthy homes have fewer behavior and discipline problems at school. They are less likely to … Continue reading

More about the ACF Healthy Marriage Initiative

My previous article began discussing the ACF Healthy Marriage Initiative in detail. The article listed the mission of the initiative and the reason why the Deficit Reduction Act of 2005 was created. This article will continue giving details of the act and initiative. There are several goals that go along with this government program. Some of the goals are listed below. Have more children raised in two parent homes where the parents are in a healthy marriage. Help couples that plan to get married have the skills for a successful and healthy marriage. Help teens and young adults obtain the … Continue reading

ACF Healthy Marriage Initiative

Recently I began doing a little more research into the ACF Healthy Marriage Initiative. After looking more into the initiative I found that it was created after several findings in 1996. Those findings by Congress include: The success of society depends on marriage. The success of children greatly depends on marriage. The government then determined that marriage is very important to our country and its people. To encourage the states to promote and strengthen the bonds of marriage, the government created the Deficit Reduction Act of 2005. This act allows for $150 million every year for the promotion of healthy … Continue reading

Given Up on Your Marriage?

Have you given up on your marriage? I realize that every situation is different, that there are problems that you just can not work through (infidelity, abuse and so on). However, it has become too easy to just give up on being married. It is too easy for people to walk away from their families and it seems that more people do it every year. There are situations that can not be saved, and if your spouse is not willing to work on your relationship, then there is not much to do. If you are close on giving up, here … Continue reading

Forgiveness is an Action Word

When we talk about forgiveness, it often sounds like a passive agreement to let something go. It’s about releasing blame and accepting that the action is done. It’s about releasing anger. It’s about releasing resentment. It’s also about not bringing the act you forgave up over and over again like a bludgeoning weapon. There is nothing passive about forgiveness. To forgive is to commit to an act and to perform that act. Forgiveness is an action word and it takes time to develop the skills necessary to forgive someone else. Seeking forgiveness is also an action, it’s not passive. When … Continue reading

Love & Marriage: Quotes & Romance

There’s nothing that says I love you like a romantic card, gesture or the most old-fashioned of love gifts – the love letter. Some of the greatest writers in the history of western literature have offered their thoughts and comments on love, relationships and more. So to give you some hints, tips and more – here are some great writers you can quote in writing a love letter to your spouse, fiancé or more: Friedrich Nietzsche There is always some madness in love. But there is also always some reason in madness. D. H. Lawrence I am in love – … Continue reading

Working Through the Difficult Times in Your Marriage

In every marriage there are going to be difficult times. These could be times when you and your spouse are not getting along. These times could come as a result of medical problems or other crises in your family. It could be that one of your has drifted away from the marriage relationship. It is important that you spend time together working through these difficult times in your relationship. Here are five tips to help you through these times. 1) You should pray together every day. As you pray together you will grow closer. You can pray that your differences … Continue reading