Marriage is Bad for the Community? Really?

Marriage is a sacred institution and it’s about deepening family ties whether you are a European princeling making a power match with an Austrian duchess or an Irish-American dentist marrying an Italian-American schoolteacher and integrating their extended families. We build communities around this sense of nuclear family and by extension the rest of the family on both sides. Marrying broadens your local community, incorporating a whole new support network and more. But according to sociologists Natalia Sarkisian and Nami Gerstel – not so much anymore. In fact, it seems that modern marriage is more about people setting themselves apart. They … Continue reading

The Marriage Week in Review October 21-27

This was a great week here in the Marriage blog and as always; it’s a pleasure to share the challenge of bringing you marriage news and information with Sherry. Our guest blogger this week was Catherine Ipizcade and I suggest you check out her blogs on celebrating her marriage as well as bridal shower tips. For Sherry and I, the biggest challenge came at the end of the week as the New Jersey Supreme Court handed down their decision on Same-Sex unions. While Sherry and I often come down on opposite sides of this issue, we believe in healthy and … Continue reading

Marriage News: Are Marriages Really In a Minority?

In my news hopping this morning, I came across another news byte covering an American Community Survey that revealed, for the first time in American history that married couples accounted for less than 50% of U.S. households. Why is that? I think there are three reasons for this statistic. But first let me tell you what I don’t think is causing this statistic. It’s not the rising divorce rate or the convenience of an easy divorce. The simple fact is, my generation grew up with divorce being a reasonable option. Divorce exists. We don’t see it as an easy out … Continue reading

Are You Over 50 and Dating?

If you are, then I’d say you are in good company. It used to be that when you were over the age of 50, especially if you were female, single or widowed, you were an object of sympathy for your married friends and peers. The idea of hearing wedding bells in this demographic is slim and I know a number of these women who all say the same thing – they don’t want to get married and the question they ask is why would they want to? Why Would They Want to Get Married? Single men in their 50s are … Continue reading

What’s Wrong With Being Single?

This may seem like an odd topic for the Marriage blog, but a conversation I had yesterday really got me thinking. Someone very close to me has spent the last few years kicking herself for choices she made, some good and some bad. She has two children, both products of affairs of the heart – the fathers were both men that she loved very much. With her first child, their relationship disintegrated in the weeks after the baby was born and with her second, the relationship was disintegrating during the pregnancy. She feels like a failure in the sense that … Continue reading