Fitness Journal – Sleep – Part 4

So far we have talked about creating a fitness journal which keeps track of your eating and exercise. Some may leave it at that. You may look as those two areas as being the only important ones when it comes to fitness. But fitness extends beyond that. Overall good fitness can only be had when we take a good look at every area, including our sleep. Sleep is vital. I really don’t get impressed when people tell me how little sleep they get because they are so busy or they have this and that to do. I value my sleep. … Continue reading

Emotional Fitness

I discovered something new and very fulfilling to do while I am walking on my treadmill. I pray. Even if prayer isn’t your thing, you might find meditation or just thinking to be great ways to spend time walking on your treadmill. Here’s why I like to pray while walking on my treadmill. I find that when I am walking my mind is less cluttered. I’m not keeping busy with a million activities. I’m just walking and so that requires my mind to settle somewhere. When I walk and pray, I think of all kinds of situations that are weighing … Continue reading

Exercise Boosts Your Brain at Any Age!

If you’re worried about your brain’s health, you might want to think about your physical fitness levels. A new study from the Center for Brain Repair and Rehabilitation at the University of Gothenburg in Sweden looked at the link between physical fitness and brain fitness (or, if you want to be technical about it, call it “cognitive function”). Researchers looked at data on more than a million Swedish men born between 1950 and 1976 who enlisted for military service at age 18. Included in those 1.2 million men were more than a quarter of a million siblings — and some … Continue reading

Burning Up the Calories with Boot Camp Fitness

If you think that you need to spend mega bucks getting in shape with a fancy gym membership, think again. A gym membership is a great luxury with all those great machines at your fingertips, but most of us do not have the extra dollars that it takes to maintain a gym membership. A fantastic way to burn up those calories in a hurry is simple, yet effective. Boot camp fitness. Boot camp fitness is just what it says. These are the exercises that have been used for years that give us the results that we want without spending a … Continue reading

Holidays and Fitness

With the holidays just around the corner, it is more important than ever to be extra diligent regarding your fitness routine. It is so easy to overeat and slack off during this time of the year. With all of the scrumptious foods and chaos that the holidays entail we find it too easy to overeat and not find time to exercise. Cooking, baking, shopping and holiday gatherings take up a great deal of our time that some people tend to put exercise on the back burner. It is a busy time and important to spend time with the people that … Continue reading

Money Strategies That Worked in Our Marriage

Today I’ll tell you some ways we approached the money issue in marriage. Mick and I always worked out our finances together. There were no secrets, except for the ones around Christmas, anniversary or birthdays. The main thing is to work out a budget and stick to it. But each person should have a little mad money they didn’t have to explain. This can be spent on clothes, saved for gifts, or used for whatever. Shop less regularly for groceries. We grocery shop once a month. Unfortunately fruit and vegetables have to be more often but stick to only that. … Continue reading

Writers Need Physical Exercises, Too

The life of a writer is great, we get up in the morning, we sit down at the computer and we start typing. But anyone who writes a great deal sits in a chair, their shoulders hunched forward, their back is slightly arched and their arms are tucked closer to their body. This is not a natural position for the body to remain in for hours at a time. You don’t really think about the stress this puts on your back, your neck and even your shoulders and your legs. Get Out of the Chair So when you spend a … Continue reading

Dance Fitness – Wanna Dance?

So You Think You Can Dance is back on television and like last year, my daughter and I are totally hooked. This Thursday they will launch the actual contest. Whenever I watch the show, I’m reminded of just how physical is dancing (not that I needed the reminder), but with the show back on, it’s a good time to remind others as well. If you’re interested in switching up your fitness routine this summer, consider dancing as a way to invigorate your workout while also toning your body, burning extra calories and just overall feeling great. Think dancing can’t burn … Continue reading

Your Computer versus Your Fitness

I work from home, I may have mentioned this on many occasions. Over the last 12 years or so, I’ve worked in some fashion or another in front of a computer. Sometimes I work for five or six hours at a stretch without getting up other than to use the rest room or grab a drink. In the past, when I was in corporate America, I worked a lot longer than that, going so far to just eat my lunch at my desk so I could get my work done. p The Internet and the computer are fantastic gifts. They … Continue reading

National Senior Fitness & Health Day

Did you know that National Senior Fitness and Health Day is coming up? There will be more than 1,000 organizations in the 50 states of the United States celebrating this 14th annual event. The goal of National Senior Fitness and Health Day is to promote and educate everyone about fitness and health in older Americans. Senior Fitness and Health Day falls on May 30th. What Will Happen? Check your local area papers for events being hosted there. A senior center in a neighboring town is hosting a series of fitness and health related activities that focus on the interests of … Continue reading