Credit History and Marriage

Often when two come together in matrimony, the question of money and credit will arise. While a husband and wife may love each other, they may not be a match with their credit scores. If one spouse has a significantly worse credit history, does it affect the other? While a couple joins in many ways, their credit history does not have to. Credit reports are entirely individual and so are the credit scores. There is no such thing as a joint credit report or credit score. Even when a couple applies for a loan together, like a mortgage, their individual … Continue reading

Marriage Choking Points: Compulsive Spending

Are you a compulsive spender? Is your spouse? A compulsive spender is someone who can spend everything, right down to their last dime on frivolous things and items that they want but don’t necessarily need. A compulsive spender can do more than damage a marriage; they can land the relationship and the family into dire financial straits. If you or your spouse is a compulsive spender, chances are you are both aware of the problem. Make no mistake, compulsive spending is not a malicious act that one spouse does just to tick off the other spouse. Compulsive spending in and … Continue reading

I’m a Workaholic

There are a number of challenges that are waiting to confront you when you get married – challenges that you weren’t likely expecting. When you marry a workaholic, you may find yourself becoming a widow or widower to your spouse’s job and responsibilities. In a society where laziness seems to be the catch phrase, a workaholic can’t be that bad can they? Speaking From Experience Let me speak from experience here and stand up and admit it, my name is Heather Long and I’m a workaholic. I get so caught up in my work sometimes that I get up early … Continue reading

My Spouse is an Addict

Addiction is a dangerous thing for anyone, when your spouse is an addict it’s not just his or her health that is affected, but the health and well being of your entire family. I am not an expert of addiction, but there are plenty of resources out there for you to seek out help. When a person struggles with an addiction, more often than not they don’t even realize they have a problem. Their addiction can impair their judgment as well as create conflict, behavioral changes and other symptoms that may be observed. They say that those closest to the … Continue reading