More about Covenant Marriages

In one of my last articles I began discussing the three types of marriages that were describing in some of my recent reading. The first type that I talked about was the marriage of convenience where the partners seemed to share nothing, have little bonding, and have separate lives. The second marriage type was a marriage of codependency in which the partners share everything and have no life outside of the marriage. In this marriage one partner is often seen submissive to the other. The final type of marriage that will be discussed in this article is the covenant marriage. … Continue reading

Would You Want Your Spouse to Remarry?

If something happened to you (God forbid), would you want your spouse to remarry? This issue has been the subject of many jokes and even some rather lengthy discussions for married couples. There are people who absolutely cannot stand the thought of their spouse being married to someone else, even after they’re gone. I’ve heard people joke about coming back to haunt their spouse if he or she remarries, but I’ve also heard people try to make their spouses promise never to remarry. I think it’s more a matter of imagining a mate with another person now than actually not … Continue reading

My Spouse Hits Me – Can a Wife Abuse Her Husband?

Continue a rather downer of a theme from earlier today, I wanted to talk about spousal abuse. The most common form of spousal abuse involves a husband abusing a wife. However, a wife can abuse her husband and while this isn’t the most typical of cases, it can happen. How Can A Wife Abuse Her Husband? Abuse comes in many different forms. There’s emotional, mental and physical abuse. Women, who abuse, are more likely to use emotional and mental abuse tactics rather than physical, though they can also be physically abusive. Emotional abuse can begin as a form of emotional … Continue reading

House Husbands – Emasculated or Enlightened?

How many househusbands do you know? Consider it and don’t be surprised if you know a lot more housewives than you do house husbands. There’s a reason for it, our society doesn’t endorse the idea of husbands staying at home and being Mr. Mom. Just rent the Michael Keaton film to get an idea of the perceptions – weirdly enough – though that movie was made in the 1980s, the perception of househusbands has not changed all that much in 30 years. I know three couples that have househusbands where the wife goes to work and Dad brings up the … Continue reading

Withdraw from the World

‘A friend is a person with whom I may be sincere, before who I may think out loud,’ said Ralph Waldo Emerson. Ideally that person should be your spouse – the person above all others with whom you can be real. You don’t have to pretend. That’s what I like in our marriage, Mick and I don’t have to pretend with each other – ever. For us, this has not been a good week in that Mick and I have not been well. Nothing earth shattering, just the usual cold and flu winter ills, sore throats, stuffed up noses, coughing … Continue reading

Whose Church Should You Attend?

When two people get married they unite as one. This can be seen in many different forms at weddings. Some couples choose to unite through the lighting of the unity candle. Others pour sand or water. No matter how a couple chooses to show their unity, marriage unties them. Uniting together may mean some sacrifice of things that were once his or hers. Not longer can everything be yours and mine. Things now turn to the term ours. Deciding which church to attend can be part of the uniting process. To some couples this is not a big deal. However, … Continue reading

I’m Scared To Be Alone with Him

The following is based on a personal experience I had with an abused wife. The names have been changed in an effort to protect everyone involved. The scariest part of this story is that it happens all the time and while we know that abuse occurs, it can happen right in front of us without even knowing it. Her Name Was Amy Amy lived three doors down from my family. She was a great lady and someone I would consider a very good friend. She and her husband Ed had been married for more than a decade when I knew … Continue reading