Common Money Mistakes That Women Make

Did you know that men and women tend to make different kinds of mistakes when it comes to managing their money? While people of both genders certainly enjoy financial success, both men and women makes mistakes with their money. Suze Orman has come out with some advice that is tailored specifically towards women and the mistakes that tend to trip them up when it comes to their finances. According to Suze Orman, the root of the problem is that women have been taught, either consciously or subconsciously (including by example) to not manage their money. The result is that they … Continue reading

Marriage and Happiness – is it possible?

While divorce is nothing new in this country, when I read about long-term marriages coming to an end, ala the Gore’s, the Schwarzenegger’s, and the Edward’s, I start to wonder if it is even possible to stay married forever anymore. I hear a lot about the “old days’, but I have a lot of grandparents due to multiple re-marriages. My great-grandparents remained together, but one spouse died long before the other. So maybe those that stay married forever over a real long time period are the anomalies. Maybe now that we live longer and more women are able to support … Continue reading

Marriage Means Adjustments

Being married means making adjustments. It means adapting to living with another person and considering, and where possible accommodating their interests, likes and dislikes as well as your own. This is important in bed as well as in other places. When we first got married Mick said, ‘Why do you want to chat as soon as we get into bed?’ Having talking to a number of women it’s something more than a few of us are guilty of. I suspect it’s because when we get into bed, we start to replay the day in our minds. We’re thinking about what … Continue reading

Essentials for a Happy Lasting Marriage -Part 2

Yesterday I looked at five essentials for a happy lasting marriage. Today I am continuing with another five essentials. 6. Forgiveness Married life isn’t always go to go along smoothly. We all do things wrong and things that hurt or upset our spouse. It’s how we choose to deal with those things that is important. We can hold grudges and sulk but it never achieves anything, or we can choose to forgive them and move on. Forgiveness doesn’t just happen. It is a choice, a decision of willingness to forgive. The old adage about not going to bed angry is … Continue reading

Working Women a Contributing Factor in Marriage and Family Break-Ups

Working women are contributing to marriage and family break-ups. A recent survey in the United Kingdom came to this conclusion. They found after a study of British childhood that ‘women’s increasing economic independence from their male partners is contributing to family break-ups which is in turn damaging children.’ At the risk of being shot down in flames, I admit I’m old fashioned enough to agree. Yet, it really stands to reason. Depending on the type of job they have, women can be earning more than their men. Some men struggle to deal with that, as it makes them feel inferior. … Continue reading

Causes of Marriage Break Ups

Opposites attract but only up to a point. According to Drs. Les and Leslie Parrott,one of the main reasons many couples break up is that they have not enough in common. This can happen early in a marriage or even sometimes, as it seems recently in growing numbers, after the children have moved out of home. Couples find they have nothing in common. Nothing left to talk about. A solution to this might be to take up a hobby or sport together. Before I broke my arm which has out me put of action for months, Mick and I played … Continue reading

Building a Hedge Around Your Marriage

You may have heard the terminology of building a hedge around your marriage. I first became familiar with this term while listening to a pastor at church preach on the subject. But even if you aren’t religious, you can use this advice to help protect your marriage. Did you know that 70 percent of all married men and 60 percent of all married women have had affairs? This information comes from Dr. Holly Hein, author of the book, Sexual Detours. That translates roughly into only one out of three marriages where the husband and the wife are completely faithful to … Continue reading

A Novel Approach to Marital Advice

Recently in response to a blog, Andrea,one of our members shared some advice she was given before marriage by her mother and brother. Heidi and Hunterchad also had great advice. No doubt, we’ve all been given marriage advice at some time or another, some of it good and some not so good. A young couple I know took a novel approach to this. I admit, I’m not a fan of kitchen teas but this one sounded a better idea than most. Each woman invited, including the bride to be’s future mother in law and a number of older women, … Continue reading

More Advice Regarding Household Chores

We’ve been looking at the importance of communication and appreciation in allocating and doing household chores. Two other points worth mentioning are the need to prioritize tasks. When writing out a list of jobs that need doing also jot down which ones are most important. Some jobs that need to be done every day, others maybe only once or twice a week. Decide which jobs are essential and which can be let slide a little. I had a friend years ago who vacuumed her floors every day. Do floors need vacuuming every day? I don’t think so. Of course she … Continue reading

When He Refuses Marriage Counseling

Women are much more accepting to getting help for their marriage than men. Most men are unwilling to open up to a stranger (a therapist) or even admit that they cannot work things out on their own without help. There are many marriages that could have been saved and divorces that could have be avoided only had the husbands given up their pride and gone to therapy with their wives. So how can you get your unwilling husband to attend therapy with you? Obviously he cannot be forced. In most cases you will not benefit from him going against his … Continue reading