Many Women Cannot Remember

Many women today cannot remember a time when the contraceptive pill was not available. I’m one of them. The pill has been around for longer than I have been married. May 9, Mothers Day was the 50 year anniversary of the day the contraceptive pill became available. From that time, couples had more choice in when they fell pregnant and the number of children they have. Yet even in the 1960s, the pill was still illegal in some states of America. It took till 1965 before a high court ruled that it was not up to the government to interfere … Continue reading

The Surprisingly Strict Disney Dress Code

Is Pluto properly groomed? Just about everyone has a dress code at work. Some are more lax than others, but few work places don’t have any requirements for dress or grooming. One of the few establishments I’d think of that wouldn’t have much in the way of a dress code would be an amusement park. I picture teenagers in t-shirts, baseball caps, and torn jeans when I think of amusement park employees. But the Disney Parks, as they are for many things, are an exception. The Disney Parks follow a dress code that originated in the 1950s. Its rules are … Continue reading

Let’s Talk Diabetes Part 2

When my sister called and mentioned some symptoms that my 4 year old niece Krysta was experiencing and luckily I had done some reading on diabetes because of my husband and his diabetes. I expressed my concerns and when my sister took her to the local pediatric ER they confirmed that she had extremely elevated blood glucose levels. A healthy person has a normal glucose level is in the low 100’s and my niece was 946 they day she walked into that ER. Luckily she was still able to walk into that hospital because she could have easily gone into … Continue reading

Great-Aunts are Wonderful

Some parts of your family tree are easy to figure out. Most genealogists can fill in the blanks for their parents and siblings without having to think much about it. Things get a bit more complex when you try and sort out how you are related to your great-aunts. I recently attended my sister’s wedding. As expected, there were plenty of relatives that came to the wedding. It has been a long time since I had seen or talked to many of them, so it was really nice to have the opportunity to catch up. Even though I haven’t been … Continue reading

Name Calling

Choosing a name for your baby can be an interesting experience. Different couples have different ways of approaching the problem. Some try and come up with a list of names both like, or two lists of names and then whittle it down from there to names they both are happy with. To me this has always seemed a sensible approach and is what we did when naming our two children. But not all couples manage the situation this way. Recently I heard of a couple and the husband wanted a specific name which the wife hated. In the end the … Continue reading

Get a Free Coke Zero With Your Turkey Burger

Fast food restaurants cannot usually be described as the best place for someone to find a healthy meal. Despite this, there are many people who crave fast food when they are on a diet. In response, several fast food places have started to offer slightly healthier food choices, like diet beverages and leaner burgers. You can get a coupon for a free Coke Zero drink when you buy a turkey burger from Carl’s Jr. I remember the first time I ate at a Carl’s Jr. restaurant. I grew up in the Midwest, and there weren’t any Carl’s Jr. restaurants where … Continue reading

Baptism or Dedication for Your Baby?

When our children were young they were baptized because that is the way things are done in the denomination we belonged to. Children were baptized as babies. Probably neither my husband nor I questioned it because it was what we had both experienced and were used to. As we started to learn more about God, His Word and the Christian life, we thought if we’d had the time over we may not have had our children baptized. Instead we might have opted, as some couples have, for dedicating their baby to God. It is a question you and your marriage … Continue reading

Trying to Understand Teenagers

While the phrase “I will never understand women” is popular, as the parent of a teen I think that is less complicated than trying to understand teenagers. Their emotions can sometimes be all over the place. What was funny to them one day will suddenly cause them to break into tears the next day. One moment they are in this great mood and the next they are suddenly sullen. It can be hard to keep up with the ever-changing emotions at times. I think one of the most clueless people in my home is my husband. I don’t mean to … Continue reading

Take That Time

The secret to a long and happy marriage according to a local couple, Betty and Ernest, who recently celebrate their sixtieth wedding anniversary is, ’it’s not easy. Particularly during those years of child rearing,’ Betty said. That’s the reality. Although children are a great blessing and I wouldn’t be without either of mine for one moment, they can put extra pressure on a marriage. This may be even more noticeable if children are close together in age. They will take up a lot of time. Sometimes it means one or the other or both of the couple are busy doing … Continue reading

Reflections of Life

If it’s true that what is on our TV screens and at the movies reflects life, then it is no wonder marriages are in trouble. What I see so often on TV and the movies are people who make decisions based on what they want and who never stop to consider the person they are in a relationship with or how their decision will affect them. Just recently Mick and I were watching a show where the woman made a decision about her job that was destined to impact on her relationship with her guy. Did she talk it over … Continue reading