Dangers of Exercising in Hot Weather

I don’t know what the weather is like in your neck of the woods. But here in Wisconsin we are experiencing unusually warm weather. In fact, I was just watching a newscast this morning and the weatherman said that normally we might experience a day or two in any given week with temps in the 90’s. But the temperatures have been in the 90’s, with high humidity consistently for days now, with no relief in sight. Now for those who are used to this or live in areas of the country where it hits triple digits, I’m probably not getting … Continue reading

Exercise Helps Overweight Kids Manage Anger Better

My gym teacher may have been ahead of her time when she ordered quarreling students to “walk off” their anger. According to a new study, exercise appears to reduce anger in overweight but otherwise healthy children. I always thought it was a bit hokey when my high school P.E. teacher would get between my feuding classmates, and instead of lecturing them about their behavior, she had them run laps around the track. Apparently she knew what she was doing. In a study conducted by the Medical College of Georgia School of Medicine, exercise was shown to have a “significant impact … Continue reading

What Do You Do With Anger and Frustration?

Parenthood and family life are not nonstop bliss—even the sweetest, most angelic children can cause a parent a bit of frustration. The important thing is that we find healthy or reasonable ways of coping when we feel angry or frustrated. I tend to be a “cleaner”—I clean, organize, dredge out closets, wash rugs, etc. when I am dealing with family frustrations. What do you do? I have a friend who exercises away her parental stress. I know if I call and she is on the treadmill that there are likely family frustrations going down in her neck of the woods. … Continue reading

Anger Isn’t License for Disrespect

Emotion is a good thing and inevitable. But, when the tempers flare and fly in the family scene, it isn’t a license for disrespect or bad behavior—either from parents or children. Learning how to face emotions, say and do what one needs to, but remain civil and respectful can take some focus—especially if you were not raised in a world where that is how things were done. Sure, we all lose our tempers. Parents aren’t immune to getting frustrated and losing perspective. But, it isn’t an excuse and it does not give us license to say and do disrespectful things … Continue reading

Will staying in school make your child a better person?

This question is from a comment on the education blog about homeschooling. One of the questions asked by a mom who was considering homeschool was why her friend felt that the troubles her child is having in public school would make him a better person. Many homeschool opponents say that dealing with the rigors of public school will make a child a better person. They have several reasons. Socialization: “The act of learning to take social cues from children of the same age group will ready you for dealing with peers in adulthood.” Somehow, however, these opponents neglect to look … Continue reading

The Dangerous Shopping Cart

When you go shopping do you put your baby in a shopping cart? Now the AAP along with the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission is saying that if you have a reasonable alternative–use it. Some 24,000 children are rushed to the emergency room each year as a result of shopping cart injuries. Children stand or are strapped in improperly and fall onto the hard grocery store floor resulting in head and neck injuries, fractures, and even concussions. The AAP also points out that most shopping carts are designed with a high center of gravity which makes them prone to tipping … Continue reading

Dealing with Anger– the Islamic Way

We all experience anger from time to time. Maybe your spouse did something to upset you… the children are misbehaving… someone cut you off in traffic… your boss is being unreasonable. We share this world with many people of many different personalities. It is inevitable that we will feel anger or frustration from time to time. While the feelings are inevitable, angry reactions are not. In fact, the teachings of Islam are very clear on this: it is haram (forbidden) to lash out in anger. The Koran says: “O ye who believe! Let not a folk deride a folk who … Continue reading

Manage Anger Better

There is no such thing as a fairy tale, happily ever after ending to a marriage. This is not to say marriages cannot be happy, fertile areas where both the individuals and the relationship can flourish. Just as relationships are ripe with the possibility of development and growth – they are also capable of producing cycles of negative attitudes and unpleasant emotions. When stress is introduced to the relationship, that stress can lead to aggressive or controlling behaviors. The tension, literally, can breed more tension. An important coping mechanism for couples to learn is how to manage their aggressive and … Continue reading

What’s Holding You Back?

Logan and I both went to the doctor today. We both have Influenza Type A, which basically means we both have this tiny microscopic germ that has taken over our bodies and left us feeling rather miserable. Not only are we both feeling a little miserable, we’ve also been banned from going back to school for the rest of the week. Logan’s not too concerned about this of course, but I know it will leave me trying to play catch-up in the weeks to come, which as a single mother is rather daunting in and of itself, but to be … Continue reading

If You’re Grumpy and You Know It…Read a Book!

Logan has been pretty grumpy lately. I’m not really sure why, and frankly I’m not even sure if he knows why most of the time, but I’ve been a little concerned about it for a while. I noticed the change about a month or two ago and started looking for solutions to the problem. We talked about it often and most of the time I got very little response out of him. I knew something was bothering him, but he couldn’t seem to vocalize what it was. Instead he would hit, kick, scream, and throw things. I was at a … Continue reading