Quality of Marriage

The quality of your marriage might well depend on whether and in what quantities these other Qs are present. If you or your spouse is any of those mentioned below you might for you marriage’s sake try and eliminate them from your marriage Querulous The dictionary definition is complaining or peevish. Do you know someone who is like this, who is always complaining? I do and, no, it’s not Mick or anyone in the family. No matter what anybody does it is never right, never good enough. There’s always something they have to whinge about. It is very wearing and … Continue reading

How Things Change

How things have changed. When Mick and I were children, Christmas morning meant being up early and the neighborhood abuzz with children playing in the streets with their new bike or scooter or toys. It meant children dashing into each other’s houses to compare Christmas presents and share the excitement. On Christmas morning here, as it has been for many Christmases now, there is not child to be seen in the streets, not a sound of laughter and excitement outside. All Mick and I saw and heard was a disgustingly healthy jogger as he passed. In Christmases past, Christmas morning … Continue reading

Essentials for a Happy Lasting Marriage -Part 2

Yesterday I looked at five essentials for a happy lasting marriage. Today I am continuing with another five essentials. 6. Forgiveness Married life isn’t always go to go along smoothly. We all do things wrong and things that hurt or upset our spouse. It’s how we choose to deal with those things that is important. We can hold grudges and sulk but it never achieves anything, or we can choose to forgive them and move on. Forgiveness doesn’t just happen. It is a choice, a decision of willingness to forgive. The old adage about not going to bed angry is … Continue reading

Just for Fun

In every married life there needs to be times you do something just for fun. Yesterday we had one of those days – a family time of picnic and time for the adults to chat while keeping an eye on grandchildren playing in the park. After that we headed off to a medieval fair. Three generations went. Mick and I our son and his two children (unfortunately after finding out about the medieval fair our daughter-in-law was too ill to come) and our daughter and her husband, gathered with hundreds of other people at Winterfest. We watched mock battles between … Continue reading

Who Comes First in Your Marriage?

When it comes to a choice between your spouse and your children, who comes first? You spouse should be the one who comes first in your concerns, thoughts and plans. He or she is the one you are married to, that you have committed to live your life with, ‘for better or for worse, in sickness and in health, for richer or poorer.’ The children will grow up and leave home and need you less. If you make them the centre of your lives what will you have left when they leave? Yes, I missed our children when they left … Continue reading

12 Creative Date Night Ideas That Won’t Break the Budget

Is your marriage feeling stale? It’s easy to get so caught up with the everyday that we forget to make time for each other and to make each other feel special. To bring the romance back, here are some suggestions for date nights that won’t break the budget. 1. Turn off the lights and light candles. Turn off the TV and put on some romantic music. Curl up on the sofa with perhaps a glass of wine and listen to music. 2. Pack a picnic dinner and head for a favorite beach. Watch the moon rise over the water. After … Continue reading