My Doggy Love Affair: Welcome to the Pet Blog

Pets are an important part of many people’s lives. Pets give unconditional love, companionship and they help lift your spirits. My love affair with pets began when I was a little girl. I was quiet, shy, and didn’t have too much to do. I dreamed of having a dog to play with. I would ask my parents daily and they would always say no. Then one day out of the blue I thought that my wish had come true. My parents and I decided to go to the pet store. We saw a beautiful Golden Retriever and decided to take … Continue reading

Saving Money with Home Repairs

So last month I covered the cleaning aspect of housekeeping.  I mentioned in the beginning of this year that housekeeping encompasses cleaning, home repairs, decorating and organizing. For the month of February, the focus will be on basic home repairs.  Knowing how to do some of these can help save money. This past week I got to experience a taste of this after discovering a leaky pipe in my kitchen.  Normally leaks come from underneath the sink.  But this one was coming through the cabinet next to my sink. It unfortunately required my husband, who is not a plumber, to … Continue reading

Love Between the Pages

… or sheets… or blankets… or flannel footie jammies. There’s no better excuse to snuggle up with your child than storytime.  And there’s no better type of book to curl up with as we countdown to Valentine’s Day than a love-themed read. As February 14th nears, consider cuddling up with your little sweetie and embracing these kid-friendly Love Day titles: Splat the Cat:  Funny Valentine The black furball with a heart of gold is at it again.  Splat wants to give his teacher a special Valentine’s gift and enlists the help of his friends to execute his plan, but will … Continue reading

Mother’s Blog About Mentally Ill Son Goes Viral

A mother has written a blog that has been passed around the internet via Facebook and in links in several other blogs and news articles. In it, she discusses her fear that her son will someday do something similar to what Adam Lanza did in Connecticut. It is an eye-opening piece of writing. Yesterday, I wrote a blog that clarified that not all people who have Asperger’s Syndrome are violent. Some can, and do, express loud, verbal, outbursts or may push someone away from them. Typically, the violence that people with Asperger’s Syndrome express is not premeditated or planned out. … Continue reading

J.K. Rowling Loses Billionaire Status

I have to admit that I am not a Harry Potter fan. I have an 8-year-old and we’ve already seen the first movie and I am sure the others will come in time. I will set and watch them like a good mom, but it really isn’t my favorite as far as movie genres. But, I have a lot of respect for author J.K. Rowling. She has said her home life was not easy when she was growing up, she was refused admission to Oxford University, and her mother suffered from multiple sclerosis for ten years before dying from the … Continue reading

Caps of Love

There is so much bad news in the world today that sometimes it amazes me when I hear about someone doing something good for others. Such is the case of Caps of Love. I just read an article about Caps of Love yesterday. It is actually the US division of something called “Bouchons d’Amour.” I don’t speech French, but I imagine that translates into…Caps of Love. Because what the charity is about is collecting plastic caps and sending them to be recycled. The money earned goes to either Federation Handisport, which uses the money to buy wheelchairs or Federation HandiChien, … Continue reading

Sleeping Beauty: A Strange Fairy Tale

Charles Perrault’s “La Belle au bois dormant” (literal translation “the Beauty sleeping in the wood”) is a bizarre little tale. Some people might find Walt Disney’s adaptation of the story as soporific as the curse upon Aurora, but at least it has narrative consistency. So many of the things that happen in Perrault’s story leave (modern) readers scratching their heads, and that’s on top of the hefty dose of terrible messages for women, something that didn’t come as a surprise after I read the 17th century Frenchman’s take on Cinderella. Up until the point of the teenage princess’ pricking of … Continue reading

An Afternoon At The Fair

Yesterday, I took Dylan and Blake to the Tunbridge World’s Fair in nearby Tunbridge, Vermont. There are many fairs and harvest festivals in New England in the fall and I thought that it would be a fun way to spend the afternoon with the boys. It was so cute to see the excited look on his face as we went towards the gate and he began to see the fairgrounds. Once we got inside, Dylan told me that he wanted to play games first. We played a couple of kid – friendly games and he won a few little prizes. … Continue reading

Disneyland Developing New Fantasy Faire

I’ve come to a conclusion: the Disney parks are almost like a living organism. They’re constantly changing and evolving. Maybe equating them to something that’s alive is a bit of a stretch, but the idea that they never stay the same, that there’s always something different or new happening or in the process of doing so: that’s definitely accurate. When the famous founder of your illustrious company was known for his innovation, you don’t have much choice but to constantly do the same if you want to uphold his legacy. The latest update announced for Disneyland, not long after the … Continue reading

Airing Your Dirty Laundry

Despite my love for Facebook and the fact that I allow my teens to partake, there are definitely times when the spotlight shines on the downside. Take for instance when a teenager decides to air their dirty laundry. Thankfully my teens are respectful enough (or maybe it’s just that they are smart enough to know better) to not say negative things about me on Facebook. I don’t care if they think I’m being unfair or that I don’t know what I’m talking about; voicing these opinions on social media is a no-no. I’m also glad they don’t share with the … Continue reading