My Blessing in Disguise

Tomorrow would have marked my 4th anniversary with my ex-husband. It’s hard to remember what life was even like back then, it seems a lifetime ago. I remember feeling in the pit of my stomach that I was making the biggest mistake of my life as I walked down the aisle. My head knew things weren’t going to work, but my heart was too stubborn to listen and convinced me to go through with it. I so desperately wanted a “happily ever after family.” I wanted my son to grow up with both of his parents living under the same … Continue reading

How to Spare Your Child the Pain of Divorce

Norwegian researchers believe they know how to prevent the pains of divorce from being inflicted on innocent children. According to a new study entitled “Equality in the Home,” parents who share housework duties are 50 percent more likely to get divorced than couples where the woman does most of the chores. In other words, the more housework the man does, the higher the divorce rate. A part of me died typing that sentence. The rest of me is trying to swallow the vomit that’s pooled in my mouth. Basically, the study is saying that if you are a stressed out … Continue reading

Benefits For Children of Divorce

Everyone talks about the negative effects of divorce on children, but what about the positives? There are some, there have to be; otherwise we should all just give up right now! Let’s see, for one thing children of single parent’s learn to be self reliant at a younger age. This is usually the result of having to do for themselves, whether it is getting to school, on time and prepared, or fixing something to eat in the microwave. Our children quickly learn you can’t call Mom at work every time you can’t get the DVD player to work. Also they … Continue reading

Marriage Lessons For Children

Sometimes I worry. Ok, most of the time I worry, but this is a specific worry. What am I, a divorced woman, teaching my daughter about marriage. I’ve been divorced since my daughter was ten. My ex husband and I made a point to never argue in front of our daughter, so she never got the chance to see us work things out either. I want my daughter to have a marriage that we all dream about so I trot out all the tired cliches: Marriage is a life long commitment. Anything worth having, including marriage, is worth working for. … Continue reading

Why Colonial Divorce Records Are Hard to Locate

Genealogy research can be as frustrating as it can be exhilarating. There are a lot of different websites that will help you find the birth record, or death record of your ancestors. However, trying to find the record that shows that your ancestors became divorced is another matter entirely. Part of the problem with finding divorce records is because in years past divorce was seen as a scandalous event, and so, it might be covered up. Another problem comes from how the original records of divorce were recorded. In the past couple of decades or so, divorce has ceased to … Continue reading

Divorce is Contagious

Divorce is contagious. You catch it from your friends. At least that’s the opinion of experts Mick heard recently on the radio. We were talking about this among other things in the car yesterday after listening to a sermon from our minister about the way marriage should operate and the biblical view of marriage. But back to divorce being catching among friends. Mick and I began to wonder why this should be so. No it doesn’t necessarily mean the reason is that the couples in a group of friends are having affairs with each other and that’s why divorce results, … Continue reading

Less Chance of Divorce

It’s official, men who help their wives with housework, shopping and caring for children are less likely to have their marriages end in divorce, according to a study in the United Kingdom. There could be several reasons for this. One is that when the wife is working outside the home she is under a lot of stress trying to combine work as wife, mother, lover and woman in the work force. Therefore she’s less likely to have time to pay attention to her husband’s needs and more likely to feel hard done by when he does not help out. This … Continue reading

Marriage Blog, I Bid You Farewell

An adventure that began two years ago in Pets, then expanded to Marriage a little over a year ago when I first introduced myself here, has reached journey’s end. Today I’m writing to say farewell. Dale should be rejoining you all very shortly. She’s already back to posting in Christian so I imagine it won’t be long before she makes a reappearance here. You’re also going to get a new face to Marriage, but definitely not to Mary Ann Romans is one of Families most prolific bloggers. She’s written in different categories over the years and is currently covering … Continue reading

Mormons and Divorce – Part Two: What are Grounds for Divorce?

As I stated in my previous blog in our “Mormons and Divorce” series, the goal is to do whatever it takes to keep our marriages strong and healthy so we can be together eternally. However, this is not always possible. While every situation is different and I can’t speak for your leaders or pretend to know more about your circumstances than I do, here are some examples of times when your Church leaders might be inclined to support your decision to divorce. Adultery. The Church has a firm stance on adultery and members who commit this sin will most generally … Continue reading

Divorce is Not an Option

I’ve never been one to say never. In fact, whenever I’ve said never – I find that it happens more often than not. I think it’s because as a species – we’re all still very much like children – you tell a child never to do something and not give them a good reason why and chances are – that child’s going to do it. Is there ever a good reason to get a divorce? Yes. Can I list all of them? Probably not. But if you are planning to get married, then you need to seriously consider how you … Continue reading