Marriage Lessons For Children

Sometimes I worry. Ok, most of the time I worry, but this is a specific worry. What am I, a divorced woman, teaching my daughter about marriage. I’ve been divorced since my daughter was ten. My ex husband and I made a point to never argue in front of our daughter, so she never got the chance to see us work things out either. I want my daughter to have a marriage that we all dream about so I trot out all the tired cliches: Marriage is a life long commitment. Anything worth having, including marriage, is worth working for. … Continue reading

Weathering the Seasons of Marriage

We go through different seasons in our marriages. Some of them are pretty enjoyable, like the carefree days of summer or the excitement of new things in the spring. But then we also go through seasons where it gets a little more challenging. Here in Wisconsin fall can sometimes feel more like winter and then the snowstorms come and well, it’s kind of bleak and barren. Those are the most difficult times in a marriage. I really, really dislike the unpleasant seasons of marriage. They seem so long; once again I have to compare it to the winters we experience … Continue reading

Loving and Lasting Marriage Secrets

If you’ve made it to 60 years of marriage you’d surely have to figure you must be doing something right, wouldn’t you agree? This week a local couple from the South Coast of NSW celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary. When asked the secret to the long and loving marriage David and Marie cited two aspects. They are communication and consideration. Does that sound familiar? It’s one of the things I’m always advocating too. Consideration means not just all those little common courtesies that are easily, and indeed often, overlooked in a marriage. Consideration also mean considering the feelings of your … Continue reading

Lasting and Loving Marriage Secrets

Imagine getting to 60 years of married life! Even Mick and I have got quite a ways to go to get to that one. You figure people that make it to 60 years must have figured out some of the secrets to having a long and loving marriage, don’t you? So I thought I’d let you in on a couple of secrets from those who have reached this milestone. John and Marg, a local couple here in the St Georges Basin area celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary recently. When asked what they believe the secret to a long and loving … Continue reading

Goals For Marriage

Yesterday we looked at the idea of goal setting and marriage. but what about setting goals for your marriage. Some the goals you might want to consider are: Commit fully to your marriage and make it your goal to have a long, lasting marriage. Make your goal a loving, nurturing environment for family where they can grow and develop. Here are some practical ways you can do this. Make sure you set aside time each day to sit and talk with your spouse, even if it’s only 15 minutes. Make it a goal to never be so involved with work … Continue reading

What Makes for a Happy, Lasting Marriage?

What makes for a happy, lasting marriage? According to Edward and Ella Chapman who this week celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary, it is: ‘Love, respect and complete commitment to one another,’ Bev and Geoff Woodham who recently celebrated 40 years, say their secret to a long and loving marriage is ‘being great mates who share interests and enjoying life together.’ From my own point of view of over 40 years married, I’d say love, respect, and enjoying each other’s company come near the top of the list. Respect for the other person as they are without trying to change them … Continue reading

Paul Newman and Joanne Woodward: A Lesson in Long Marriages Hollywood-Style

I didn’t think I was going to have anything to write about Paul Newman’s death here in the Marriage Blog. I figured that’d be something for the girls who cover the Popular Culture Blog to write about. But as I’ve come across all the different tributes to his life, something’s become glaringly clear: Paul Newman was more than an actor, a race car driver, a camp founder, an activist, and a food line entrepreneur. He was a loving, devoted husband, something he seemed to be just as proud of as he was of any of his other accomplishments. Maybe even … Continue reading

Your First Fight

No matter how in love you are, no matter how determined you are never to fight, no matter how much he makes your heart go pitty-pat or she makes you forget how to breathe, the day will come when you have your first fight. There’s really nothing you can do to prevent it. Something will come up, you’ll have a difference of opinion, and before you know it … your blissful marriage has come to an end. True? No. Yes, you’ll have a fight eventually, but it’s not the end of your bliss. In fact, if you handle it maturely, … Continue reading

Are You Speaking the Same Language?

When my husband was in high school, he discovered that he has a knack for learning foreign languages. Since that time, he has learned six, and is currently working on Italian. He reads books from different countries all the time, sometimes forgetting that English is his native tongue. Some of those other languages are constructed very differently from English, and there are times when this wreaks havoc with our communication as a married couple. Some of these languages don’t use connecting phrases. This makes things quite interesting when it comes to understanding what he’s saying to me. For instance, yesterday … Continue reading

The Treasure Chest

‘Enjoy the little things, for one day you may look back and realize they were the big things.’ Robert Brault. This quote popped up on my computer yesterday and I think there is a lot of truth in it. In marriage enjoy the little things, like waking up together each morning, like celebrating Christmas together. For me one of the delights is being able to go to church together. I love sitting next to my husband at church and even more so on Christmas morning which has been and gone here in Australia. It’s lovely too to stand up the … Continue reading