Have You Seen The Encyclopedia Of Genealogy?

Today, as I was reading Eastman’s Online Genealogy Newsletter, I stumbled upon a link to The Encyclopedia of Genealogy. The Encyclopedia of Genealogy is a free service that is provided by Eastman’s Online Genealogy Newsletter. It is a great free genealogy resource that I never knew existed until today. In this gem of an online resource, there are many excellent articles on a variety of genealogy – related topics. I read a couple of articles about French Canadian surnames, hoping to uncover some information about my own surname. Unfortunately, I found nothing but the articles were interesting nonetheless. Speaking of … Continue reading

When To Tell Your Boss About Your Pregnancy

As soon as the pregnancy test comes out with a positive response, the question of whom to tell about your pregnancy and when is likely to be on your mind quite a bit. The list of those people who are on a need to know basis does include your boss, but this does not mean that you need to dish right away. Of course, there is no one correct answer about when to disclose your pregnancy at work. Here are a few things to think about that can help you decide when you will tell your boss about your pregnancy. … Continue reading

Have You Googled Yourself Into Thinking That You Are Pregnant?

Most of us can remember a time when we had a pregnancy scare. Although being pregnant is a wonderful thing much of the time, there are certain times when the thought of becoming pregnant is not very appealing and sometimes quite scary. Perhaps you were in a new relationship, or a relationship that you were beginning to feel would not work out after all. Maybe you were young and not ready for a baby yet. Perhaps you already had one or more children and did not want to increase your family size again. Whatever the situation was, you were just … Continue reading

Sharing Your Research

Many genealogists spend a lot of time and effort on their research. That is all well and good, but if you are one of those genealogists, wouldn’t it be nice if other people in your family were able to appreciate some of the work that you have done to document their ancestry? If you would like to share your findings with your family but you are at a loss for how to do so, here are some ideas. Genealogy makes a great gift. Actually, it can make several wonderful types of gifts which can be adapted for various occasions. Summer … Continue reading

If I Were You, I Would……

Are you the recipient of much unwanted advice? Parenting in general seems to bring out everyone’s need to tell you how to do things better. Become a single parent and that advice giving is kicked up a notch. “Do you really think she should spend so much time at daycare?” “Dating? Don’t you think it’s a little soon?” “When my kids were that age I made them sleep in their own beds, you’re spoiling her.” And on and on and on, until I wanted to scream. Everyone, it seemed, knew how to raise my daughter better than I did. Everyone … Continue reading

Go Ahead, You’re Pregnant

When you are pregnant, you may notice that people seem to treat you differently. Strangers hold doors open for you, and other strangers try to touch your growing belly. People you do not know and have never met ask you when you are due. Everyone seems to have something to say to you or do for you. It can feel a bit strange at first, but it can actually be kind of fun and freeing to embrace the whole “pregnant thing” and get away with things that you would not if you weren’t pregnant. For example, although the concept of … Continue reading

Donald Trump’s Sons Under Fire

Usually when you hear about a Trump in trouble, it’s Donald Sr. He does tend to open his mouth sometimes when he shouldn’t. But this week, it is Donald’s sons that have people talking and not in a good way. Two junior Trumps, Donald Jr. and Eric, went hunting on an African safari in Zimbabwe last year and just this past week, pictures of the safari showed up online on YouTube. The one photo I found most gruesome was Donald Jr. hold a severed elephant tail in one hand and a knife in the other. Other trophy photos, originally posted … Continue reading

Re-Evaluating Your Cold Weather Fashion

The only upside of having to endure this week’s brutally bitter, inhumane winter temperatures (we’re talking 30 below wind chills, folks) is that families can score cheap food from McDonald’s. Thanks to Ronald’s “Cold Days, Hot Deals” promotion, parents can save some cash by purchasing one Big Mac at the regular price and getting the second for the price of the previous day’s noon temperature. For example, if the mercury only gets up to 3 degrees today, then tomorrow, the price of a second Big Mac will be a mere 3 cents. What’s more, if the mercury doesn’t climb above … Continue reading

It Makes You Think

My oncologist suggested I join the support group and I did. I met some interesting older ladies but now I am dealing with the loss of one of the ladies I have become friends with. Lynn’s cancer had come back and this time it was stage 4 that had metastasized to her lungs. I did not really know how the oncologist thought that joining the group was going to be beneficial to help with my stress. How can meeting people who are going to die help me feel like I am not going to die? Lynn was an incredible woman … Continue reading

Taming Your Toddler

Recently my moms’ group hosted one of its informational luncheons. I wanted to get there early so I could try to get a highchair for Baby E. Daddy couldn’t find the second booster seat so I had to take the one that lives in the garage and hope for a highchair. I was so lucky; I got a high chair. Baby E sat in the high chair and Jessie in the booster seat. We had a table with a lot of good friends. Too bad the restaurant was having a bad day. My burger, which is usually the best, was … Continue reading