How to Spare Your Child the Pain of Divorce

Norwegian researchers believe they know how to prevent the pains of divorce from being inflicted on innocent children. According to a new study entitled “Equality in the Home,” parents who share housework duties are 50 percent more likely to get divorced than couples where the woman does most of the chores. In other words, the more housework the man does, the higher the divorce rate. A part of me died typing that sentence. The rest of me is trying to swallow the vomit that’s pooled in my mouth. Basically, the study is saying that if you are a stressed out … Continue reading

Kim Kardashian Makes a Mockery of Marriage

Not only has Kim Kardashian made a mockery of marriage but she has duped many. Just 72 days into her marriage with NBA star, Kris Humphries, she has filed for divorce. 72 days??? Many are accusing Kardashian of getting married for the sheer publicity. Of course, it didn’t hurt that she also received some freebies and deep discounts for promoting certain products. She even made a ton of money selling pictures of their wedding. According to some, she may have earned as much as $18 million from getting married. Isn’t it usually the other way around, that we spend money … Continue reading

Average Length of Marriages

Mary Ann posed an interesting question on a recent article, about the average length of marriages these days. It’s hard to track down exact statistics as there are so many variables, but here are a few things I found will give an idea of the length of the average marriage. In the United Kingdom in 2003, out of 153490 divorces, 40,599 divorces occurred during the first 5-9 years time frame. The next biggest number was between 10-14 years 29,831 and 20,923 in the 15-19 years period. What is interesting is the number that ends up in divorce after only 0-2 … Continue reading

A Christmas Movie To Share with Your Loved One

‘Every Christmas should contain at least one soppy Christmas movie,’ my husband said as we perused the shelves of the video shop. We opted for ‘The Christmas Cottage.’ The alternative title is ‘Home for Christmas.’ When you’re not feeling well as Mick hasn’t been, the last thing you need is something heavy. Sometimes a piece of light entertainment is exactly what’s called for. Mick isn’t a fan of stories based on true life events but for some reason the blurb about this one appealed to both of us. It is about the artist Thomas Kincade The only actors we knew … Continue reading

You Know Your Spouse Loves You When…

Elizabeth Barrett Browning once started off a sonnet with what has perhaps become a bit of a cliched saying: How do I love thee? Let me count the ways. Have you ever tried to count the ways you love your spouse? Once upon a blog I wrote about something Wayne did for me that showed me he loved me, and then Jade asked: But what do you do to show him? So I answered that with another blog. While that was sort of counting the ways he loves me and I love him, lately my heart’s been waxing romantic about … Continue reading

RS/EQ: Honorable, Happy, Successful Marriage

This lesson by Spencer W. Kimball makes me all the more glad the church coordinates lessons from auxiliary to auxiliary. After all, it’s always nicer to have a lesson on marriage when both the husband and wife can hear it! The lesson begins with a memoir from a former employee of President Kimball’s, who shared how she saw him write a letter to his wife every day while she was off staying with a sick child in the hospital. Sometimes, when he was very busy at work, he’d dictate a letter and this employee would write it down. She said … Continue reading

Marriage Fights: Kids

One of the last big thing that couples fight about is children. This becomes especially true when one person brings in kids from a previous marriage. Even when both children are “ours”, parents can often find themselves disagreeing about how to raise their kids. The most important thing to realize is that mom and dad are a team. You are both working together. Sit down, just the two of you, and discuss your goals for your children. You might have exact things you want them to accomplish, such as serving a mission and being sealed in the temple. You might … Continue reading

Marriage is Bad for the Community? Really?

Marriage is a sacred institution and it’s about deepening family ties whether you are a European princeling making a power match with an Austrian duchess or an Irish-American dentist marrying an Italian-American schoolteacher and integrating their extended families. We build communities around this sense of nuclear family and by extension the rest of the family on both sides. Marrying broadens your local community, incorporating a whole new support network and more. But according to sociologists Natalia Sarkisian and Nami Gerstel – not so much anymore. In fact, it seems that modern marriage is more about people setting themselves apart. They … Continue reading

Pray and Plan to Help Your Family

The family is a very important part of our church. Each family is essential in the plan of salvation. “The Family: A Proclamation to the World” states: “Husband and wife have a solemn responsibility to love and care for each other and for their children. ‘Children are an heritage of the Lord’ (Psalms 127:3). Parents have a sacred duty to rear their children in love and righteousness, to provide for their physical and spiritual needs, to teach them to love and serve one another, to observe the commandments of God and to be law-abiding citizens wherever they live. Husbands and … Continue reading

Gospel Centered Ways to Strengthen Your Marriage

It is important to take the time to strengthen your marriage, so that your family can remain strong. If you and your spouse have a happy marriage this will lead to a happier family. Your children will feel more secure in their family relationships and confident in their family security. The church has instructed us on the importance of strengthening this relationship. Here are five ways to keep the relationship strong. 1- You should pray together. It is important to remember to have couple prayer in the morning and in the evening. This is a time when you can pray … Continue reading