Marriage and Separations

Yesterday day here was Anzac Day. This year is was the 95th anniversary of the Gallipoli landing where so many Australians paid the ultimate sacrifice and gave their lives. We had various services and marches that remember all the fallen heroes and those who have gone to war over the years and defended our country. Many people have had a husband, a father, a son, or some other relative or friend killed or maimed or who has served in the armed forces. It’s very moving to be part of such services. Our choir was singing at one of them. You … Continue reading

Is Your House Killing Your Marriage?

Is where you live making life more difficult for your marriage? That’s something that occurred to me and obviously to others too like architect Michelle McSharry.In the article yesterday about Australian Fathers, Michelle McSharry suggested two factors are making life harder for couples. One is the size of homes and gardens which is contributing to a high housework load. It’s an interesting fact of modern society that houses are getting larger while the size of families in them is shrinking. Most houses no longer include grandparents or extended family as they once did. It is usually only the husband, wife … Continue reading

Are You Among the Average?

According to statistical data compiled by John S Croucher, professor of statistics Macquarie University, the amount of time the average person in USA spends watching TV is 35 hours a week. Add to those another 2 hours watching taped TV Shows , 22 minutes for online videos and 4 minutes of mobile videos and that adds up to quite a whack out of the week. So Mick and I decided to conduct our own little experiment and add up our TV watching. It doesn’t even come close to that. And a lot depends on the time of year. In footy … Continue reading

The Advantages of a Spring Yard Sale

Yard sale, garage sale, porch sale, whatever you call it, having a sale of your not needed stuff is a great way to clear the clutter and to earn some money. While most people wait until the summer is in full speed, I am here to tell you that now is probably the best time to have your yard sale, if you want to get rid of the most stuff and get the most profit. After a long winter indoors, people are starting to emerge into the outdoors. They may be looking for something to do as they drive around … Continue reading

A Far Off Place (1993)

“A Far Off Place” features Reese Witherspoon, already a very mature and well-grounded actress at the age of 17. She easily carries this film over some potentially rough spots in plot and script. Her character is Nonnie Parker, born and raised in Africa on the edge of the Kalahari Desert. Her father has been working for some time to help bring an end to the poaching activities taking place in the area. Elephants are being slaughtered right and left, their tusks being chopped off and stolen. Colonel Mopani Theron has been tracking these men down and giving them as good … Continue reading