An Analogy of Marriage

What an interesting day yesterday. Before we started out for church the heavens opened. Thunder, lightning, and unbelievable rain raged. It was slow driving for Mick and me to get to church. Then just as we were about to round a corner close to church traffic came to a standstill. Water covered the road and a couple or cars turned around. One car though had attempted to go through the water. And became stuck. At that point we were never going to take the chance and try plowing through the water. We had two choices, either turn back and let … Continue reading

Is Marriage Irrelevant?

In the USA fewer adults are married. I would dare to suggest the situation would probably be similar here in Australia. Fewer people are getting married, with many choosing to live alone, or to live with a partner but outside of an official marriage situation. According to a Time magazine survey, almost half of these interviewed have lived with or are currently living with a partner without being married. Does this mean marriage has become irrelevant? Apparently not! Of the total of people involved in the research, 46 percent wanted to get married. Of these 64 percent were already living … Continue reading

Who Sets the Agenda in Marriage?

Having your own agenda can be problematic in a marriage. It often means you are so focused on what you want to do and achieve that you ignore the feelings of those closest to you, which is you spouse and family. Where two people in a marriage each have their own agenda, it can then becomes a contest of wills to see who will prevail or it ends up in the man and woman living independent lives that hardly ever connect. This is not what marriage was intended to be. Marriage is meant to be a sharing of ourselves, our … Continue reading

Link Between Family’s Wealth and Teen Drinking

A recent study came out that discussed how teens from wealthier families had a higher tendency to drink alcohol than their peers who come from low income families. Although many like to think that having money would make you and your children healthier, this may not always be the case. At first, I found this study surprising, but upon reflection, I’m guessing it was the same way during my high school days. The big drinkers in my school were defiantly the “popular” kids, most of which were from the wealthier families in my hometown. They were the binge drinkers, getting … Continue reading

Fallen Out of Love?

Sometimes I see and hear people talking about their marriages and a couple of main themes crop up time and time again. One is that of one person in the couple feeling they have fallen out of love with their partner. If we expect all of our married life to be like the heady first flush when we first fell in love, then we are going to be in for a shock. Love is more than just an emotion. It is more than just a feeling. Love involves action. Loving is about doing. If we care for someone, we show … Continue reading

Genealogy Resources On Twitter

Twitter is a social networking tool that is used by people all across the world. Headlines were made when people in Iran tweeted about the protests that were going on in response to an election. Twitter has become more than just the website people visit to tell the world what they ate for lunch. It is a resource. Businesses use Twitter to get their name out there. Twitter has links to websites that would be helpful for people who are working on the genealogy of their family. Here are just a few of the genealogy websites that you can follow … Continue reading

Problems with Having Your Own Agenda

There is a problem with having your own agenda. Actually there are a couple. One is that your agenda and what you want to do or what to happen may not be God’s plan for you or for others. The other is just as serious and one that can be extremely hurtful and divisive. Recently there were two examples where this occurred. One was by me letting my own feelings cloud the issue and say something when deep down a little voice was telling me I should keep quiet. One of these days I might learn to listen all the … Continue reading

Your’s and Spouse’s Memories May Not Be the Same

Even if you experienced an event together, don’t expect your memories and those of your spouse to be the same. It’s a bit like being at a car accident No two people will see the event the same way. Someone will be able to remember the car and model, maybe even the number plate. Anther person might not have a clue about those things but can tell you the color of the car or what the man or woman involved was wearing, or want time it happened. Yesterday as Mick and I were talking with a friend, he related an … Continue reading

Does it Matter if You Don’t Go to Church and WorshipTogether?

How important is it in marriage to attend the same church and worship together? Does it matter if you are different denominations or go to different churches? Obviously the problem of different churches or denominations is not insurmountable but it certainly is something that needs to be taken into consideration and discussed before marriage. In many churches the number of women who attend far outweighs that of men. This causes an imbalance in churches. In a marriage situation this means that the husband is not taking the spiritual leadership role he should. Wives who go to church when the husband … Continue reading

Disney Allows Same Sex Couples ‘Fairy Tale Wedding’

I subscribe to several news feeds that pertain to subjects I may be blogging about. Every single news feed was buzzing about this hot little news item. It has evoked both strong applause and strong disapproval. To recap, apparently up until this past week, Disney was restricting same sex couples from renting Disney spaces that were specifically designed to hold weddings but they would allow them to rent meeting rooms for ‘commitment ceremonies.’ However, they’ve recently decided to do ‘the right thing’ (as one spokesman put it) and allow same sex couples to buy wedding packages, complete with all the … Continue reading