Trust Issues in Your Home Business—Part Two

Earlier today I wrote about how our own trust issues can have a definite impact on how we work in our home businesses. We are not the only ones who might be wrestling with trust stuff, however. Our customers and clients bring their trust issues to the table when they work with us and it can influence how well we are able to work together. There are things we can do to help to ease the tension and help our customers and clients learn to trust us. In the first place, it might be tough to identify what is a … Continue reading

Trust Issues in Your Home Business—Part One

When we think of “trust issues” many of us think of our personal relationships—those we have with a partner or spouse, children, or friends and family. Trust issues can also affect our home business operations, however, whether they are issues that we have or ones that are coming toward us from our customers and clients. Writing and talking about trust issues can be sticky. After all, many of us do not even realize what we are wrestling with. We may think we are just being “smart” or preparing ourselves for the inevitable. If we are constantly assuming that our customers … Continue reading

When Fear of a Battle Keeps You from Speaking Up

Many of us single parents feel as though we have seen our share of battles. Perhaps we had a tough divorce or separation, or we have had to do battle for custody, battle with our ex or other family members, or we feel as though we are constantly fighting at work or on other fronts. This overload of battles can make us feel as though we just do not have another fight left in us and can contribute to us avoiding speaking up or standing up for what we feel is going on, in order to avoid any more battles. … Continue reading

Trusting and Allowing Them to Make Their Own Decisions

Parenting and worrying go hand-in-hand—we want to protect our children from big mistakes and we want to guide and nudge them in the direction that we think is right for them. There is absolutely nothing wrong with this. But, at the same time, we also need to learn how to allow our children to make choices and decisions too; and we need to trust that they will make choices and decisions that are right for them—even if they are not the same choices we would make! This trust and allowing room for personal choice starts early. I know that some … Continue reading

Building Trust from the Beginning

Trust is the cornerstone of solid relationships—regardless of whether they are friendships, close personal connections, or business relationships with clients and customers. Since even the most initial interactions do count in cultivating business relationships, it is important to build trust from the very beginning. I actually believe it is easier to build trust with business relationships than most people think. It starts with very basic things like returning phone calls, giving honest and factual information, and listening to what the other person is saying. Following through on promises or going that extra mile to find the information that a person … Continue reading

The Marriage Blog Week in Review: November 11-17

Is it really Saturday already? It seems kind of crazy that we’re already here, when I was just writing up the week in review last week. But here we are. It’s been an eventful week here at the marriage blog as we approach our first anniversary, we also crossed the 1,000th post line and Sherry and I continued our point and counterpoint in Marriage Debates. You’ll see changes taking place over the next week as we close in on Thanksgiving with a little re-organization and the adding of topics here and there. As always, we want to hear from you … Continue reading

Is Lack of Trust Warranted, or is it Born of Fear?

Trust is obviously huge in any relationship but especially in intimate relationships. No one is completely trusting all the time but some are far more cynical than others are. What leads us to withhold trust from the people we love? It’s worth examining, because it really depends on whether or not the ability to trust, or the lack thereof, is warranted or is based in fear. If your spouse has given you good reason not to trust him or her, such as engaging in an affair or lying about other things, it’s much more difficult to rebuild a sense of … Continue reading

What Are the 7 Stages of Marriage?

According to the recently published book The 7 Stages of Marriage, there are seven stages present in every marriage. I’ve always believed that there is an evolution and a development that occurs in the marital union – just as there are ages and stages in life, so there are in a marriage. Written by Dr. Rita DeMaria and Sari Harrar, this book focuses on how to happy couples can move through these different stages in a marriage to maintain the happiness and healthiness of their loving relationship. How to Maintain The difference between the 7 Stages of Marriage and many … Continue reading

Will He Catch Me if I Fall?

It is interesting that I ran across this quote today: A good marriage is at least 80 percent good luck in finding the right person at the right time. The rest is trust. -Nanette Newman, British actress My Husband was just talking with me last night and made the statement that I need to learn to trust him more. When I asked what he meant, he stood behind me and asked me to fall into his arms. Now, I have done this exercise many times in my therapy classes or at church camp when we are discussing trust but never … Continue reading

Underlying Causes for Avoiding Sex

Most people go through phases in their lives, including their sex lives. Maybe we can’t keep our hands off our spouses at times, while at other times, we’re content to put lovemaking off until later. However, for some people sex is something to be avoided. Heather did an article on asexuality, which gave us some insight, and there are many other reasons why people avoid sex. Bad experiences and even abuse are two very difficult things to deal with and may hamper one’s ability to enjoy physical intimacy. Generally, issues like these require professional assistance to improve. There are other … Continue reading