Is Artistic Genius an Excuse?

Are those with exceptional artistic or creative talent outside the rules for normal relationships and marriage boundaries? So often in today’s society, and even past society that seems to be the case. We make excuses because they are a genius. That was some of the thoughts that came out of the play Mick and I saw last night. We went with friends to see our local drama group’s production of the play Mr. Bailey’s Minder by Australian author Debra Oswald. The play is the ‘tough, funny and bighearted story of an abusive and cantankerous’ artist called Leo Bailey. Leo has … Continue reading

Marriage and the Creative Temperament

Marriage to someone involved in the creative arts can sometimes be an interesting exercise. It doesn’t matter whether it is writing, painting, sculpture, pottery, music, theatre or film or any other creative arts. One aspect one writer brought up is that many involved in the creative arts do not make great incomes. We’ve all heard of the struggling artist in the garret. Writer, actor, artist it’s not such a cliché but often the reality. So for this reason they need a spouse with a regular income. Sometimes the person with a creative temperament can be a little hard to live … Continue reading

A Fulfilling Experience and a Worrying Fact

On the radio the other day, I heard a couple of interesting facts about a recent survey with fathers. Most men feel that being a father is a fulfilling experience and would like more time with their kids. Men feel they miss out on so many of the milestones of their children’s lives because of work commitments. However, they feel their jobs could be threatened if they asked for more time off to spend with the kids. Of course a lot depends on how important their career is as against time with wife and family. I know of an at … Continue reading

Getting Upset in Marriage

We all get upset at times with things that happen in our lives, things happen to us that are outside our control and that we hadn’t counted on. Often it is caused by the words or actions of others. How we respond to what happens to us, can tell us a lot about ourselves and our natures. When it comes to marriage and family life, there are always going to be things that will happen that we didn’t count on. I’ve felt that way just this morning. It wasn’t with Mick and the problem wasn’t caused by him but someone … Continue reading

Simple Tips to Help Maintain a Healthy Marriage

Today we’re going to look at some simple tips to maintain a healthy marriage. When you receive good news who is the first person you want to share it with? Is it your spouse? When an early morning phone call this week told me that I had been awarded second prize in a poetry competition, I couldn’t wait to get off the phone and tell Mick. He is always my first thought when I receive good news, because I know he will respond in an appropriate way and he did. His encouraging words left me feeling I was the cleverest … Continue reading

What Would You Do for Love?

What would you do for love? How far would you go for the one you love? These are the questions asked and answered in Where the River Ends by Charles Martin. This is a beautiful picture of a marriage and the total commitment of a couple to each other despite the odds. Chris is from what most people would term ‘trailer trash.’ Abbie is a senator’s daughter and used to minks and diamonds. Despite all against them, including her family, they commit to each other and marry. Abbie constantly builds Chris up and actively encourages Chris to use and expand … Continue reading

What Is at the Center of Your Life and Why It Matters

What is at the center of your life? That which is at the center of our lives determines the shape of our lives and the direction our lives take. Whether it is work, ambition, self interest, spouse and family, or some other obsession, it is a question for all of us to answer. This idea for a blog came after reading a novel called Summertime by Liz Rigbey. One of the characters, Lucy, in talking about a policeman said, ‘he talked of men who lost their family, how that was the price you paid if you couldn’t or wouldn’t put … Continue reading

Too Agreeable in a Marriage?

Can you be too agreeable in a marriage? I’m inclined to think you can and it sets up a recipe for boredom. Yes, it’s great to be in sync with your spouse and agree on most things or even some things. It’s especially important to be in agreement on the major issues, like raising children, discipline, core values, beliefs, family issues, finances, etc. It makes for a harmonious marriage. So does having common interests. But it’s not helpful to agree on every opinion and every interest. The person, who never has an opinion or makes a decision of their own, … Continue reading

Balancing Act

Recently I watched Graeme Base, author and illustrator, being interviewed on the ABC show Talking Heads. It was interesting to hear him talk about the struggle for the creative artist to balance work, even when they work at home,with family and time with their spouse. It really hit home to him one time when his son tackled him about not being there for him and he said, ‘But I’m always at home.’ ‘No Dad, you’re always working,’ his son replied. That is a trap for those of us who work at home, finding the right balance between time spent working … Continue reading

Something to Think and Talk About

Was it the title of this play, The Women of Lockerbie, that put men off? That’s what I wondered as I looked around the predominately female audience last night at the theater. Mick and I went with two other couples went to see The Women of Lockerbie by Deborah Brevoort. Or was it because the play was a drama and might be emotional? It was both. It was also a riveting piece of theater. It could also have been this attitude that men don’t go to the theater but that it is a woman’s thing, because Mick and I’ve noticed … Continue reading