Gramps Can Help You With Your Genealogy Research

Are you having problems with your genealogy research? Do you need some help organizing it? You can get some assistance from Gramps. No, I don’t mean that you should make your grandfather do your filing for you. Gramps is the name of a piece of genealogy software. Relatives that are a few generations ahead of you are excellent resources when it comes to family history. They can tell you stories about what their childhood was like. It could be very different from yours! This is a great way to learn what day to day life was like during interesting points … Continue reading

Change Your Bedding, Change Your Sex Life

Even though the title might suggest such, I’m not about to tell you how to salvage a slumping sex life by simply putting fresh sheets on your bed. (Although, if it has been weeks since you changed them, I could see how that might help.) Rather, I’m talking a makeover for your bed. Courtney, you do realize we’re in the midst of recession, right? Weren’t you the one freaking out about it not too long ago and coming up with ways to survive it without spending a lot of cash? Why, what a great memory you have! Yes, in fact … Continue reading

Caring for Your Spirit and Your Body

One of the most important things that we can do for our health is to find acceptance with ourselves. By this I mean coming to a place where we accept who and what we are and move forward from that point. If we are focused too much on the image that we want to portray to the rest of the world, we will never be satisfied with the way we look or how our bodies perform. Similarly, if we give up because of the condition or physical shape that we are in, we cut ourselves off from improving our health, … Continue reading

The Marriage Blog Week in Review February 17 – March 2, 2007

Wow, has it really been two weeks since the last time I sat down to write a week in review? This is what happens when it gets too painful to sit in the upright position and type and for that you have my apologies. So we’re going to do a catch us up Marriage Blog Weeks in Review (two of them to be exact) and we’re going to do a rundown of what you may have missed if you were laid up for the last couple of weeks like I was. So without further ado, let’s dive in! Saturday, February … Continue reading

Relationship Advice: You Deserve to Be Happy

A reader recently shared a situation, and closed by asking, “What do I do?” While I could tell people what I think they should do, simply stating what I deem best is not going to resolve the situation; however, I can offer some friendly suggestions that may make it easier to decide how best to proceed. I decided to write this up instead of responding elsewhere, because I hope it may help others in similar situations. Let me start by telling everyone that you deserve to be happy. You’ve heard it before, perhaps numerous times, but don’t just gloss over … Continue reading

RS/EQ: Ye Ought ‘Not Procrastinate the Day of Your Repentence’

We are already a week into the new year. How are you doing at keeping your New Year’s resolutions? Have you started yet, or are you putting them off until ‘tomorrow’? Some resolutions may not matter, but others may well have eternal consequences. The first Priesthood/Relief Society lesson from “Teachings of the Presidents of the Church” is entitled “To Live With Him Someday.” President Kimball discusses the things we need to do to return home to our Heavenly Father. As I studied the lesson, one of President Kimball’s quotes stood out in my mind. One of the most serious human … Continue reading

The Marriage Blog Week in Review October 28-November 3rd

Last Week’s New Jersey Supreme Court ruling played a major ripple effect on our articles for this week and even as we got ready for Halloween and recovered from it, the November elections and vote loomed ahead. Several states will make their decisions on new marriage laws, politicians and more. If that were not enough for you, we have the holidays looming ahead of us and that can have a dramatic impact on our marriages and our family lives. So without further ado, here is our Marriage Blog week in review: Saturday, October 28 In Marriage in the News: I … Continue reading

Improve Your Physical Relationship

When you are married, the physical side of your relationship is often equated with the intimacy between you and your spouse. While the physical expression of your love is a part of intimacy, you can be greatly intimate with your spouse and still need to improve the physical side of your relationship. This can happen for a multitude of reasons whether it’s the arrival of a new baby, a change in careers or just that you and your spouse have become very comfortable with your lives and that level of comfort in your choices and physical relationship also diminishes the … Continue reading

The Benefits of Yoga

With the first week of the New Year underway, many are looking at ways to get fit. In my last couple of blogs I talked about the benefits of cardio and flexibility exercises. In this blog we are going to look at the benefits of yoga. First, you might want to know what exactly yoga is. It originates in India, attributed to the Hindus, as a way to discipline oneself physically, mentally and spiritually. Now because of my religious beliefs, I don’t get into the “spiritual” aspect of it, although for some this may be just what they want. So … Continue reading

Psychological Benefits of Meditation

Meditation is an ancient spiritual practice that offers significant benefits. As modern science discovers the wide variety of benefits of meditation, more people are adopting the practice. There are physical, psychological and spiritual benefits of meditation. This blog will address the psychological benefits of the practice. Meditation helps to increase serotonin levels in the body. Serotonin has been shown to influence mood and behavior. Low serotonin levels can negatively impact moods, causing feelings of depression and mood swings. Increasing serotonin levels helps to improve and regulate moods. Focus and concentration are improved with meditation. Whether you want to improve focus … Continue reading