Renovate Your Marriage

New year is often a time when people turn towards renovation or decluttering as Mary Ann and Tricia suggest. But have you thought about renovating and decluttering your marriage? As you think about renovations for you marriage it might raise some questions like, when should I do it? There’s no time like the present especially if things are feeling a bit stale in your marriage or if bad habits have crept into your marriage. Look for ways to spice it up and show your spouse how important they are to you. The thing is – the longer we put off … Continue reading

Lies Society Has Fed Us about Marriage

Marriage is just a piece of paper. Marriage is a contract. A binding contract. Imagine if you wanted to buy a house or a car or any other major purchase. You need to sign a contract. You make a commitment to it. Marriage is no different in that it is a commitment to one person. That piece of paper is a contract made before witnesses and before God if you are believers that you promise to commit totally to your spouse for your lifetime. It is as binding as any other contract, though unlike some contracts it doesn’t come with … Continue reading

What Sort of Marriage Is This?

This wasn’t the piece I had started for today but when I saw a news article, I couldn’t help but be astounded, outraged, sickened, horrified at what had happened in one marriage. How could any man do such a thing to his wife? What happened to love honor and cherish? Where are all the things we have been talking about in this blog site like mutual love, respect, acts of kindness, thoughtfulness, consideration, and encouragement? None of them are there. If you haven’t read the article, it is about a man who arranged through an on line list for someone … Continue reading

Identifying Weeds in a Marriage

Yesterday we looked at a few deceptive weeds that can creep into a marriage by looking attractive at first. A lot depends on your definition of weed. You might have different ideas about what is a weed and what is not. Though other people might call them flowers, like snowball trees, snowdrops, or white jonquils to me they are weeds. In our garden anything that flowers white is a weed by my standards. Mick dutifully g digs them out, because he knows how I hate them. But some weeds easy to spot. Here, in no particular order, are some weeds … Continue reading

The Problem with Negativity

The problem with negativity is that like many diseases it is contagious. It can so quickly spread not just from one comment to another but from one person to another. Recently I was playing a set of tennis with someone who was so negative. Every time he hit a shot wrongly, he berated himself. But when he did a shot that was good and a winner, he never acknowledged it to himself. Though I tried to encourage, it was like the words fell on deaf ears. The negative vibes coming from him were stronger. He wasn’t criticizing me or being … Continue reading

You Can Window Shop All You Like

‘You can window shop all you like so long as you don’t take the goods home.’ This is the attitude of many to marriage. Another along similar lines is ‘you can flirt as much or lust as you like, so long as when you’re having sex it’s with your spouse.’ These are the type of attitudes a young married couple hear a lot from others they work with and even their friends. The idea is that it is harmless but is it? Faithfulness in marriage isn’t only about sex. It also means not going off for coffee with another of … Continue reading