The Avengers: The Ultimate Superhero Movie

“The Avengers” blew my mind. How can I ever settle for just one superhero in a movie again, now that I’ve seen what it’s like with six? If you’re a fan of comic book movies, of superheroes, of big-budget action flicks with a whole lot of story and heart, then you don’t need to read any more of my review. Go see “The Avengers.” Now. Go see it multiple times. Tell Hollywood that they need to keep putting director (and script writer and co-story writer) Joss Whedon in charge of movies. If you’re not sure where you stand on superheroes, … Continue reading

Elizabeth Warren Really Does Have Cherokee Ancestry

Elizabeth Warren is a Democrat who is a candidate running in the 2012 United States Senate election in Massachusetts. She is running against incumbent Scott Brown, who is a Republican. There have been some accusations that she used a false claim of minority status to advance her career. A genealogist has found evidence that Elizabeth Warren really does have Cherokee ancestry. For whatever reason, it has somehow become acceptable for politicians to question the heritage of the candidates who are running against them. I’m not entirely certain what they hope to achieve by these efforts, but it happens fairly frequently. … Continue reading

Marvel Introducing Line of Superhero Storybooks

When Disney bought Marvel nearly a year ago, many fans were torn as to whether this would herald a new era for the company or a disaster for one of the leading comic book institutions. One thing no one questioned, however, was why the Mouse House was interested in Marvel. Disney wanted a property for boys as prolific as its Princess and Pixie lines for girls, and Marvel provides that in spades. For the most part evidence of Marvel’s new ownership hasn’t been that obvious, at least to the more casual viewer. The most notable change was over the San … Continue reading

The Superhero and the Damsel

Does your man feel like a superhero? Like he can do anything in your eyes? If you think about it, men like to believe they are conquerors. They like to be viewed as someone who can go above and beyond your expectations. They want to be seen as strong, the one who comes to the rescue. My husband does this in a number of ways. He can open any jar, fix just about anything in our house and can find solutions to virtually any problem. If he could don a cape, I think he might. While most men like to … Continue reading

What They Need Most

Over the last few weeks, I’ve been taking an online organization course. I’ve always been the kind of person who makes to-do lists, and I like to stay organized. Now, note that I like to stay organized – I didn’t say it always happens, and the last two months have been absolutely crazy busy for me. As I sat contemplating my to-do list and following the course’s homework assignment of thinking about my priorities, I contemplated my family. I wanted to start listing all the wonderful things I was going to do for them, from color-coordinating their closets to fluffing … Continue reading

Treacherous Threes

Being three is hard. You’re a toddler and you’re a preschooler. There’s so much you can do and still so much you can’t do. The year between two and three is commonly called the Terrible Twos. Many parents find that the Terrible Twos are not one year. Those Terribles can start at one and last until age five. My three-year-old was a great two-year-old. She wasn’t a Terrible Two at all; she was just Jessie. The threes have hit her hard. I think I live with a mini Dr Jeckyll and Mr. Hyde. She is the sweetest most loving little … Continue reading

I Need a Hero!

I think it’s safe to say we all enjoy going to the movies and watching the heroes run through flaming fires to rescue the children trapped on the third floor. Our hearts beat faster when the star leaps into the water, swims across a river, and then rejoins his fiancee on her yacht just in time for their engagement party. We might even think we’d like to find a guy just like that. Wouldn’t it be something to find a man who could fight his way through a crowd of spies, ride a horse like there’s no tomorrow, rappel down … Continue reading

Pheromone Therapy

Valerian, an herb with a soothing effect The day after I posted my article on laser declawing, I received an email from my friend and former roommate Becca. She wanted to share a laser declawing success story; a friend of hers signed her cat up for the surgery and it went very well. The cat was able to jump around the house the same day as the surgery as if everything was normal, and because the procedure did not remove the cat’s knuckles, it can still catch things like houseflies that traditionally declawed cats cannot. I’m excited to hear firsthand … Continue reading

Need a Break From Your Research? Try Reading a Genealogy-Themed Mystery!

If you have been diligently researching your family history for a while, you may be feeling a bit tired of methodically shuffling through old records in search of your ancestors. As is the case with any type of research, whether for business or for leisure, it is beneficial to take a break from your genealogical research occasionally. Sometimes, research can be frustrating, other times it can be exhilarating, and occasionally it can be downright tedious. Taking a break from your research can be fun and relaxing, and when you return to your research, you will be approaching it with a … Continue reading

LAPD Cracks Down on Walk of Fame Superheroes – Part 2

One of my favorite places to visit in Hollywood is the Walk of Fame and Grauman’s Chinese Theater. Yes, I know it’s touristy, but guess what? I am a total tourist when it comes to Hollywood. One of the first times we visited, my husband had his picture taken with a Wonder Woman impersonator. He tipped her, but those days have come to an end as the LAPD has banned the superhero characters from appearing in costume. Christopher Dennis, who has dressed as Superman for 19 years, was arrested earlier this month for loitering. Dennis’ defense was “They charged me … Continue reading