Grocery Shopping as a New Couple

I’m always amused when I hear young couples at the grocery store. I can tell which ones are shopping for the first time. They are always very careful to clear their choices with their spouse, to the point of self-denial. “Honey, do you like carrots? You don’t? Okay, I’ll put this back.” When you get married, you are taking two lives and melding them into one, and this is true on so many levels, right down to the grocery shopping. Suddenly you’re trying to decide what to eat—a decision that once was so simple, now made complex. How do two … Continue reading

When Your Spouse Doesn’t Listen

You often hear women joke that men have ‘selective hearing.’ But sometimes it is not a joke. Have you ever felt like that what you say to your spouse is not getting through to them? Whether it’s sex, work, household chores, friends and time spent with them, hobbies –the topic doesn’t matter particularly, if it’s a problem it needs to be talked about in a calm, reasonable manner that is non accusatory and blaming. But what if you’ve done that? Your spouse has appeared to be listening, made all the right noises, agreed things need to change and then…. Nothing … Continue reading

Do You Want to Fight?

Chances are, you have no interest in fighting with your spouse – few of us do. A fight may seem inevitable, but truthfully there are many things we can do to help ourselves avoid these so-called ‘inevitable’ fights. How, you might wonder, can you avoid a fight? You do it by stopping the fight before it can even begin. The following tips are designed to help you avoid those fights with your spouse by putting both of you in a better frame of mind to cope with each other and potential upsets. The following tips can help you avoid fights, … Continue reading

A Year of Potential Dreams

Do you know what this year is? No, not the number 2007 – it’s the beginning of the year and the rest of the year is spread out in front of you and it’s packed full of potential. One of the problems that confronts the majority of us as we get older and more mired down in responsibilities and obligations that we forget that we can make our own opportunities and we can make our dreams come true. That’s what this year is for you and your spouse – this is a year the two of you can make your … Continue reading

Are We Out of Love With Marriage?

When did we fall in love with marriage? I could study the history of marriage and I have read numerous reports on marriage and the love affair we in the United States have had with marriage. Philosophers, historians and more have speculated on the foundations of Western Civilization resting firmly within the cradle of marriage and the family that those bonds create. Family Values Family values groups have the right of it when they emphasize their belief in the foundation of society resting squarely within the boundaries we create in our families. For what is a community, but a group … Continue reading

Flexible Schedule the Key to a Happy Marriage?

One of the great parts about working at home is that I can be here for my daughter on a regular basis. I’m here when she wakes up in the morning and I’m here when she comes home from school. There are other benefits from this flexible schedule – that benefit is the ability to support my husband’s more rigid schedule. I will not say his is more demanding nor that he works harder than I do – but he has fewer options. Flexible Scheduling For my husband, the work day must begin no later than 9 a.m. and it’s … Continue reading

The Hard Questions

Sometimes, we get so caught up on the hard questions that it’s the question we focus on instead of the answer. When I was growing up, I remember asking my grandmother about how did you know when you were going to have a marriage that lasted for happily ever after and she said that was a hard question. I remember asking, how did you know if you could love someone forever and she said that was a hard question. Hard questions are hard because you can’t answer them definitively. Faith is a hard question – because you have to accept … Continue reading

Do You Know the Secret to a Happy Marriage?

I bet if I could bottle up the secret to having a happy marriage, it would sell like hotcakes. After all there is a lot to be said about a happy marriage and we all aspire to have one. To this end, there is an entire self-help genre related to helping you discover the secrets to a happy marriage. But there is one secret that has found some foundation through a study performed by the Harvard Medical School. Empathy & Affection This may not sound like much of a revelation, but couples who express deep empathy and affection for each … Continue reading

Fighting With Your Spouse? S’okay – Happy Couples Fight, too

The holidays are a stressful time and even the happiest of couples is likely to have a disagreement or even a downright fight over something. It’s okay to spar or fight with your spouse, the happiest and healthiest of couples are not couples who never fight – they are the couples who fight in a healthy manner and don’t avoid conflict for conflicts sake. What Makes a Conflict Healthy? The words healthy and conflict seem contrary in meaning, but the truth is – conflict can help a couple’s relationship grow. The conflict we have with our environment and with others … Continue reading

Don’t Quarrel in Front of the Kids

This may seem like a no-brainer, but we all do it. It can be hard to balance your marriage needs versus your duties as a parent – but in this area – your duty as a parent and as a marriage partner actually sync up. It’s important to recognize that when you and your partner have serious disagreements that need serious discussion – you don’t need an audience adult or child based. When you have disagreements in front of an audience, you are inviting them to participate in your disagreement, debate or quarrel. I wouldn’t imagine anyone wants their children … Continue reading