Yoga Positions for Early Labor

The other day my doula visited our home to show us some techniques we’ll use for pain management during early labor.  Our goal is to do as much of the labor at home as possible – we’re more comfortable at home, and thus more likely to be relaxed here – and so these are some moves and positions Jon and I can do to help me get through the pain. If you get a book like The Birth Partner or other books about/that have sections on natural childbirth, these positions might be familiar to you.  I don’t know exactly what they’re … Continue reading

Think Positively and Save Money

Thinking positively can help you save money. When you focus on the blessings in your life rather than on the things you don’t feel that you can afford, you will naturally be happier and require less of the material things. Also, thinking positively may help you figure out creative solutions the next time you feel as though you need to acquire something expensive. We do our best thinking when we are in a positive emotional state. Here are some ways that you can think positively about being frugal and consequently save money. Have goals and imagine how your life will … Continue reading

Navigating Alone Time

How well do you do on your own without your spouse?  I certainly don’t need Jonathan to look after me, and I could support myself without him, but that’s not what I’m talking about.  What I mean is: if there are times that your spouse is away from home from an extended period of time, how do you feel about it? I’ve never liked living alone.  If I wasn’t married, I would prefer having a roommate to living by myself.  I spent the summer before I got married living on my own, and it was unpleasant.  So when Jon goes … Continue reading

Hello Your Home Based Job Is Calling

There’s a good chance that you have had to call a customer support phone number at some time or another. What you may not know is that the call center representative with whom you spoke may have been working from home. Home – based workers who keep all different kinds of work schedules enable companies to provide support to their customers around the clock. If you would like to work from home, you may want to see whether working as a call center representative is the right home – based job for you. As a heads up, be aware that … Continue reading

Mall Pet Stores: The Beginning of The End

I’ve been following the story of the move some cities in California made to ban all pet stores that actually sold animals. This was made in an attempt to curb the sale of dogs and cats sourced from puppy mills and kitten factories. I talked about how, as a teenager, one of the only stores I ever liked stopping at in the mall was the pet store. I wondered where that pet store got its animals. The era of pet stores in malls might be coming to an end. California-based company Macerich, which owns shopping malls all across the country, … Continue reading

When To Tell Your Boss About Your Pregnancy

As soon as the pregnancy test comes out with a positive response, the question of whom to tell about your pregnancy and when is likely to be on your mind quite a bit. The list of those people who are on a need to know basis does include your boss, but this does not mean that you need to dish right away. Of course, there is no one correct answer about when to disclose your pregnancy at work. Here are a few things to think about that can help you decide when you will tell your boss about your pregnancy. … Continue reading

It’s Easy to Apply for Medicaid in Washington

Every state has a Medicaid program. It isn’t always easy to find out if you, or your family, are eligible for it. Some states make it extremely difficult to find that information. The state of Washington, however, makes it really easy for people to apply for Medicaid. Medicaid is a public, or government run, form of health insurance. It is designed to provide affordable health insurance coverage to people who are low-income and who cannot afford to buy health insurance from a private company. Medicaid gets some funding from the federal government and some funding from the state. In Washington, … Continue reading

Finding Your Identity in Your Marriage

I never thought much about my life growing up. At times in my adult life when I’ve considered getting married, having kids, I didn’t have anything but my own thoughts at that time to rely on. It’s strange because I’m an obsessive planner for short-term details, but I can’t think of any point in my life when I’ve had a vision for the future. As a kid I always had dreams of what I wanted to be when I grew up: veterinarian, zoologist, reporter for National Geographic Magazine, but those were always just fleeting childhood whimsies. I never pictured myself … Continue reading

Don’t Let it Get to You

It has been my experience that people don’t always have the nicest things to say about single parents. Despite the fact that over 50% of marriages fail in today’s world, society has kept its jaded view of those of us parenting on our own. People are often quick to judge and be be cruel in the things they say. While these things can be hurtful, it is important to let them roll off. You can’t let them get to you. You are the only one that knows the intimate details of your particular situation. No story is the same; no … Continue reading

Obesity Costs $190 Billion

It makes sense that as we get fatter as a nation, our healthcare costs rise as well. But, I was really taken back today when I read that obesity could cost the U.S. $190 billion in healthcare. A new study shows that the rising cost of obesity has doubled from what experts previously expected. The staggering cost of obesity may even exceed the healthcare cost of smoking – yikes. Maybe it is true that when you give up smoking, which has been pushing in our society (and rightfully so), you gain weight. What is all this money being spent on? … Continue reading