Politics and Marriage

Let the official presidential election year begin! Tonight’s the Iowa caucuses. After that the focus moves on to New Hampshire where in five days there’ll be another vote on the candidates. From then on we’re in for one heck of a ride. Because no matter what happens along the way or who wins the final election, this voting year is already going down in the record books. How can it not with the first black man running for President as well as a woman? Do You Know Your Spouse’s Political Temperament? Is this your first voting year together as a … Continue reading

The Marriage Blog Week in Review for Dec 30 – Jan 5

Woo hoo, it’s Saturday and this week, we enjoyed watching our daughter go back to school and yesterday, she received a Good Effort Award for her progress in school. She’s mastering reading and so much more. Every day is a new adventure for us as parents and as a married couple, but we will talk more about that later. In the meanwhile, Sherry and I welcomed the arrival of the New Year here at the Marriage Blog with a series of articles covering everything from the marriage debates to the wedding planning. So without further ado, let’s talk about our … Continue reading

How Did Your Senators Vote on the Marriage Amendment?

Whether you agree or disagree with a Constitutional Amendment to ban gay marriage is not really the question for this discussion. The main question is do you know how your senators voted? Next, is the question did they vote in a way that represented the will of the people in your state? Both of my senators, Mark Pryor and Blanche Lambert Lincoln cast “nay” votes according to the most recent Senate roll call vote. I found this curious since in 2004 voters in Arkansas overwhelming voted to ban same sex marriage in this state. In fairness, that doesn’t necessarily mean … Continue reading

More Thoughts on Marriage and State’s Rights

I’ve been giving this some thought, and I must reiterate that the same sex marriage debate should be occurring on the state level, in my opinion. For more on why I feel that way, please read, “…..” The reason it’s even more clear now is because I’ve been mulling over the fact that each state was meant to be a sovereign entity. We are “united” states, but not conformist states. By arranging this nation as a group of individual states, under the umbrella of one central government for the purpose of national security and few other specifically detailed necessities, the … Continue reading