House Husbands – Emasculated or Enlightened?

How many househusbands do you know? Consider it and don’t be surprised if you know a lot more housewives than you do house husbands. There’s a reason for it, our society doesn’t endorse the idea of husbands staying at home and being Mr. Mom. Just rent the Michael Keaton film to get an idea of the perceptions – weirdly enough – though that movie was made in the 1980s, the perception of househusbands has not changed all that much in 30 years. I know three couples that have househusbands where the wife goes to work and Dad brings up the … Continue reading

Day with Dad (Part 1)

A couple of weeks ago my Wife had to attend an event for work over the weekend. It was a significant distance out of town and she knew she’d be busy all day long. This left us in a precarious position: what do we do with our son? Sure, it would be best for him to be with Mom all day long, but she wouldn’t be able to both do her job and give him the attention he would require. Dad could come along for the trip… but being surrounded by that many other people in a strange environment didn’t … Continue reading

Mr. Mom (1983)

In “Mr. Mom,” Jack and Caroline Butler are living the typical suburban life of the 1980’s. She’s a stay-at-home mom, he works as an engineer at a car factory, and they are struggling to make ends meet. But they budget and they’re hanging in there, until Jack (Micheal Keaton) loses his job. Wondering what they’ll do to support the family, Jack and Caroline (Teri Garr) both start putting in their applications. When Caroline is hired before Jack, they both agree that Jack will stay home with the kids, but it’s just for a little while until something comes along for … Continue reading

Sorting Out the Gender Roles In Marriage

Less than two generations ago, the gender roles in a marriage and in parenting were pretty clearly defined. Dads went to work. Moms stayed at home. Wives may have worked prior to marriage, but typically they stayed home when children came. They spent a great deal of time in volunteer work and parent chaperoning. Today’s married couples and gender roles are less defined and while that lack of definition provides an immutable freedom in choices and options. This potpourri of roles and options is the catalyst for many problems, but it can also provide the solutions to those very problems. … Continue reading