Help for Living with an Unbeliever

Stephanie raised an interesting point in her article about being careful what you share with others. This is especially important in the case of an unbelieving spouse. A lot of damage can be done when the unlebelivign spouse finds out their situation is being talked about and prayed about by others. You may see it I as concern, but it can tend to make them feel they are being judged by you and those others and found wanting. Sop keep confidentiality and don’t divulge too much of your personal situation and relationship with your spouse. On the other hand, you … Continue reading

Help for Those Married to an Unbelieving Spouse- Part 2

Yesterday we looked at some ideas for what to do if married to an unbelieving spouse. Some others to consider implementing are: Be careful in what you share with your partner and how. Be careful in what you share with your partner and how. Yes, I think you should share your prayers and praise points with your spouse but, and it is a big but, don’t overwhelm them so they feel that is all you ever talk about. Sometimes Christians desirous of seeing someone they love come to faith have a tendency to jump in and want to turn every … Continue reading

Believer Married to Non Believer- Part 2

Today I’m continuing with more tips about dealing with an unbelieving spouse when you are a believer.Instead of preaching at them, a better way is given in 1 Peter 3:1-4. Don’t talk about what you believe, but instead show it by the way you live. Let your love and actions speak to them and trust God to be at work changing their heart and attitudes. Remember God wants what is best for you and your spouse. Remember too, that it is God’s work to change your spouse’s attitude and heart, not yours. Hard as it may be to accept, remember … Continue reading