Have Some Mountain Dew Before a Test?

How do you feel about standardized testing? Chances are you aren’t an incredibly big fan of it. Children tend to strongly dislike taking standardized tests because it is stressful, confusing, frustrating, and very different from how their typical school day goes. Perhaps this is why a school in Florida found a controversial way to motivate students to take their standardized tests. Someone at Creel Elementary School in Florida came up with an unusual way to get students excited about taking the FCAT. The FCAT stands for “Florida Comprehensive Assessment Test”. A grandmother who learned about it contacted the local media. … Continue reading

Would You Name Your Daughter “Halloween”?

What’s your favorite holiday? Would you be inspired enough by your enjoyment of that holiday, or the season it falls in, to name your child after it? Ancestry.com found some strange names in the census, including a woman named Halloween. This isn’t the only person with a name that fits into this holiday! There are two main things that influence a parent to choose a name for their child. One strong influence is the existence of a “family name”. Parents name their children after the child’s grandparents, or they give their baby a name that has been passed down through … Continue reading

What Are Your Deal Breakers?

As you find yourself venturing out into the dating world again, it is crucial that you decide what your deal breakers are so that you don’t end up in another bad marriage. We all have certain things we want in a spouse. If you’re like most women you’ve been making that list from the time you were a little girl. You dreamed of how wonderful your life would be after Prince Charming came rushing in to sweep you off your feet. Then you found out Prince Charming wasn’t quite as charming as you thought and found yourself single again, but … Continue reading

Are You Looking For A Fascinating Genealogy Read?

The weather is starting to get chilly and wet, and there are fewer and fewer nice days to go play outside. While you may think that this is a great time to put in some additional hours of genealogy research, it is also a great time to find yourself an interesting genealogy – themed book to read just for the fun of it. If you are looking for an interesting diversion from researching and learning new techniques and strategies, then you may want to check out “Finding Family: My Search for Roots and the Secrets in My DNA” by Richard … Continue reading

Freebies for You – Week of May 2, 2012

It is always nice to find a good freebie! Most of the time, stores don’t go out of their way to announce that they will be giving something away for absolutely free, (unless the deal is that you have to buy something in order to get the freebie). Those aren’t as fun! I found plenty of freebies that really are free. Just go get them! Breathe Right will give you a FREE sample of their Breathe Right Advanced strips. It will arrive in your mail in four to six weeks. To get this freebie, click the box on their website … Continue reading

Cleaning Your House Aerobically

Can you really get all the exercise you need just by cleaning your house? There are at least two people who thing so. The self proclaimed Clean Momma even has a website and so does Stevie Markovich. Mr. Markovich says he has kept himself in shape for the last sixteen years with aerobic housecleaning exercises. Just the sound of that makes me tired. Mr. Markovich performs lunges and hip twists while vacuuming, he also wears a backpack full of books while mowing the lawn to increase the workout. The craziest thing is lifting the couch with one arm while vacuuming … Continue reading

Once Upon a Time Recap: Let Your Conscience Be Your Guide

I confess that Once Upon a Time has become one of my new favorite shows, because it brings fairy tales to a whole new…reality. In case you haven’t watch the series yet, let me catch up up on the premise. In a land far, far away, and evil queen puts a curse on the land of familiar fairy tale characters. Everyone is then transported to the modern world, where they live their lives together, never aging, unaware of their fantastic history. As they play their lives out, only one little soul, Henry, knows the real deal, and he strives to … Continue reading

Looking for Mr. (or Mrs.) Right? Attend a Convention

Many of us have found our Prince (or Princess) Charming, but many are still looking for that elusive someone. There are times when it seems our options are limited: we can go to bars, we can hang out at the grocery store, we can accept blind dates, but waiting for fate to work her magic can seem pointless, hopeless, and way too hard. I recently learned about a great convention for singles headed up by Alisa Goodwin Snell, a licensed marriage and family therapist, dating coach, and author of books for singles. She says, “Singles always say that they love … Continue reading

Spring Clean Your Seats

I grew up in Hawaii where locals don triple socks and double pants when the mercury dips below 65 degrees. So, imagine my surprise when I moved to Wisconsin and found that people here sport shorts when temps rise into the 40s. Yesterday the shorts were out in full force, but white skin wasn’t the only thing shining in my neighborhood… so were the white plastic deck chairs. We have a few of these affordable chairs that we haul out every spring to add to our outdoor living space. However, right now they are far from shiny. Fortunately, there are … Continue reading

Autism and the MMR Vaccine

When your child is diagnosed with a health condition or a disability, many parents look for someone or something to blame. In my case, it was myself. I knew it wasn’t logical, but my daughter did inherit her mutated cystic fibrosis genes from me and my husband. For other parents, the blame can easily land on an incidence, a doctor, or in some cases a vaccine. Thanks to an article written by Andrew Wakefield and colleagues in 1998, the measles, mumps and rubella vaccine was blamed for autism. Parents of children with autism then had something to blame, but also … Continue reading